(Entire Section Amended by Ord. 5316 – 8/6/18; Ord. 5389 – 3/4/19)
A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to establish equitable regulations and promote excellence in design for communication through signage within the Village of Orland Park. These regulations were developed with the following intentions:
1. To preserve and promote the public health, safety, and welfare through the reasonable, orderly, and effective display of all signs.
2. To confirm that signs may cause harm to the public by creating obstructions, providing distractions to motorists, displacing alternative land uses, decreasing property values and aesthetics, and endangering the safety of person and property.
3. To establish the Village’s substantial and compelling interest in regulating signs in a manner as to reduce the effects and impacts signs have on the public health, safety, and welfare.
4. To preserve property values within the Village by regulating and directing the design, location, construction, and maintenance of signs.
5. To protect the Village’s physical appearance by encouraging a sense of aesthetic appreciation for the visual environment and compatibility with the surroundings.
6. To support the Village’s economy by recognizing the need for adequate site identification and maintaining effective communication between signs and the public.
7. To protect the general public, pedestrians, and motorists within the Village by assuring the design, location, construction, and maintenance of signs allow safe navigation and travel throughout the Village and ensure signs do not create distractions, obstructions, and hazards.
8. To enhance the physical appearance of site identification to be in harmony with the visual character of the Village and for the signage to be an integral part of the aesthetic of the site and be cohesive with the architectural style of associated buildings.
9. To encourage signs that support adopted Village guidelines, standards, and plans or the principles within said documents.
B. Applicability. The regulations within this Section apply to all properties within the Village’s municipal boundaries except for those properties owned, used, leased, or controlled by the Village. Village signage on Village property is exempt due to the inherent public purpose of such messaging and sign copy. All signs on the exterior of a property, building, or structure, and interior signs visible from exterior windows are subject to the regulations within this Section. (Amd. Ord. 5476 - 1/20/20)
C. General Standards.
1. Village Codes. Signs shall meet all applicable Village codes, including the Building Code, as amended from time to time.
2. Interpretation. All regulations within this Section shall be interpreted by the Development Services Department. An interpretation may be appealed to the Plan Commission for a final decision.
a. Conflict. In the event of a conflict within this Section and/or between this Section and any provision within another Village Code, the most restrictive regulation shall apply.
b. Substitution Clause. To the extent the regulations of this Section 6-307 permit commercial signs, such regulations are also to permit non-commercial signs.
c. Minimum and Maximum. All provisions herein shall be interpreted as maximum allowable regulations unless otherwise noted.
d. Measurement and Calculation.
1. Sign Face Area. The sign face area (SFA) shall be the entire area of the sign face(s) on an individual wall, ground, or other type of sign. The area of a sign face shall be determined by calculating the area within a single continuous perimeter encompassing the entire advertising copy or art designed to attract attention. The area within the single continuous perimeter shall be calculated by determining the area of the smallest measurable square, circle, rectangle, or triangle within the single continuous perimeter, including the background. For ground signs with multiple faces: when two identical ground sign faces are placed back to back so that both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the same time, and when such sign faces are part of the same sign structure, the sign face area shall be the area of one side of the sign. In all other circumstances, the sign face area of a ground sign shall be the total sign face area of all sign faces on the ground sign. The background color of a wall sign is included within the measurement of sign face area for wall signs unless otherwise considered an architectural feature by the Development Services Department.

Wall Signs

Ground Signs
2. Sign Height (Ground Sign). A ground sign shall be measured vertically from the adjacent average natural grade to the top of the sign. The measurement includes the full height of the sign, including the base or support structure and any design element surrounding or enclosing the sign face.

3. Roof Signs. The roof is measured from grade to the highest point of the roof line, parapet, or fascia of the building. Signs shall be located below this point.
4. Tenant Frontage. The tenant frontage is measured horizontally between the limits of the tenant’s leasable space.

5. Clearance. Sign clearance is measured vertically from grade to the bottom of the sign.

6. Window Signs. The sign face area of window signs shall be measured by individual windows.

3. Accessory Structure/Use. Signs shall be accessory structures/uses and shall not be principal structures/uses. As such, all signs must be accessory to an occupant of the land (or development) on which the sign is located.
4. Distractions, Obstructions, and Hazards. Signs shall not cause distractions, obstructions, or hazards and shall abide by the following requirements:
a. Legibility. All letters and characters on each sign shall be legible from the public right-of-way and/or the parking spaces closest to the sign. The edges of the letters and characters shall be cleanly defined, unfaded, and maintain a clear contrast with the background.
b. Conflict with Traffic and Pedestrian Signs. Signs shall not conflict with traffic or pedestrian signs. Signs and/or illumination shall not resemble emergency lighting or signals.
c. Ingress/Egress. No sign shall be erected so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door or window, or any other point of access into a building required by the Village Building Code or Fire Protection District regulations, or any amendments thereto, nor shall any sign be erected so as to impair access to the roof of a building.
d. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). No sign shall be erected so as to obstruct accessibility requirements per the Illinois Accessibility Code, Village Building Code, and any amendments thereto.
e. Construction and Attachment. All signs shall be designed and constructed as required in the Village Building Code and other applicable Village ordinances, as amended from time to time. Signs shall be securely attached to a wall, structure, or the ground at all times.
f. Line-of-Sight. Signs shall not cause visibility obstructions.
5. Location.
a. Public Property. Signs shall not be erected on public property, including the public right-of-way, except for Governmental Signs per Section 6-307.D.1.a.1.
b. Private Property. Signs may be located within private property lines on the premises identified by the signs. For multi-tenant and/or multi-story buildings, wall signs shall be located within the tenant’s lease lines.
c. Parkways. Signs shall not be erected within parkways, except for Governmental Signs per Section 6-307.D.1.a.1.
d. Drainage. Signs shall not be constructed in a manner that negatively impacts drainage.
e. Utility Poles. Signs shall not be located on public or private utility poles.
f. Sidewalks and Paths. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sidewalks or paths.
g. Parking Spaces. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct parking spaces.
h. Loading Areas. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct loading areas.
i. Trees and Landscaping. Signs shall not be attached to trees or other landscaping.
j. Required Setback. All ground signs shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from property lines, drive aisles, parking spaces, loading areas, sidewalks, and paths.
6. Materials.
a. Permanent Signs. Permanent signs shall be constructed of materials that can withstand the elements in an outdoor environment. Acceptable materials for permanent signs include, but are not limited to: acrylic, polycarbonate, marine grade plywood (MDO), aluminum, or aluminum composite materials (ACM). The base of a sign shall be constructed of brick, stone, concrete, or a similar masonry material. Similar permanent sign materials may be approved by the Development Services Department. (Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
b. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs may be constructed of materials including, but not limited to: paper (interior window signs only), cloth, canvas, vinyl, wallboard, wood, or metal. Similar temporary sign materials may be approved by the Development Services Department.
7. Illumination. Internally or externally illuminated signs shall be permitted unless otherwise noted, provided that the sign meets the following requirements:
a. Signs shall be illuminated only by steady, stationary, shielded, or shaded light sources directed solely at the sign or the sign may be internally lit.
b. Changes in illumination shall only occur a maximum of one (1) time within a twenty-four (24) hour period.
c. Exposed reflective-type bulbs, strobe lights, or incandescent lamps shall not be used on the exterior surface of any sign.
d. Illuminated signs shall produce no more than thirty (30) foot candles of illumination when measured four feet (4') from the sign.
e. Whenever external illumination is used for a sign, the source of light shall be located, shielded, and directed in such a manner that the light source is not visible from a public right-of-way or private residence.
f. Illumination shall comply with the exterior lighting standards within Section 6-315 of the Land Development Code.
g. All electrical fixtures, devices, circuits, conduits, raceways, or similar features must be installed and maintained in compliance with the current electrical code adopted by the Village. Conduits and other components of a sign illumination system must be designed as an integral part of the overall sign structure and shall be obscured from public view. (Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
8. Maintenance. The owner of a sign shall be required to maintain the sign, the sign structure, and its surrounding landscaping, if applicable, in a neat and attractive condition and in compliance with the following standards:
a. General. The sign and sign supports must be kept painted to prevent rust, rot, or deterioration. If a sign becomes rusted, rotted, or deteriorated the sign must be immediately repaired or replaced. Painting, repainting, cleaning, or other normal maintenance and repair of a sign (not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the value of the sign) for which a permit has been previously issued is allowed without a permit, provided that the sign is not otherwise modified in any way.
b. Damage. If a sign is damaged it shall be repaired within two (2) weeks of the reported date of the damage.
c. Landscaping. Landscaping at the base of ground signs shall be regularly maintained.
d. Animals. Signs shall be free of nesting animals.
e. Restoration After Wall Sign Removal. When a wall sign is removed from the façade of a building and replaced with a new sign, the facade shall be restored to like new condition. Previous sign mounting holes and the like shall be filled and painted to match the façade and ghosting images shall be removed. The façade shall be cleaned and/or repainted if necessary in order to match the existing condition of the building.
9. No Discrimination Against Non-Commercial Signs or Speech. The owner of any legal sign may substitute non-commercial copy within the allowable sign face area of the sign in lieu of any other commercial or non-commercial copy in accordance with the following:
a. The substitution of copy must adhere to all applicable Village codes and may be executed without any additional approval or permitting from the Village.
b. The purpose of this provision is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over non-commercial speech, or favoring of any particular non-commercial message over any other non-commercial message.
c. This provision does not create a right to increase the total amount of signage on a parcel or allow the substitution of an off-site commercial message in place of an on-site commercial message.
D. Procedures.
1. Permit Requirement. A permit shall be obtained through the Development Services Department prior to the installation or display of any sign.
1. Governmental Signs. Governmental signs incidental thereto for identification, information, directional, or public safety purposes erected or required by governmental bodies, or authorized for a public purpose by any law, statute or ordinance, such as traffic control signs and legal notices, including those located in the public right-of-way.
2. Address Sign. An address sign is required for each property/tenant space and shall be installed in compliance with the Building Code and Fire Code and any amendments thereto.
3. Sign on Residential Property. One (1) non-illuminated sign is allowed per residential property, provided that:
a. The sign meets all General Standards within Section 6-307.C. of the Land Development Code;
b. The sign is no larger than four (4) square feet in area (total of all sign faces visible from the public right-of-way);
c. The sign(s) shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from all property lines, walks/paths, and access drives;
d. The sign(s) shall not exceed three feet (3') in overall height when measured from grade; and
e. The sign is not above the roof line when located on a building.
4. Political Campaign Signs. In accordance with 65 ILCS 5/11-13-1-12, as amended from time to time, political signs meeting the following requirements are allowed:
a. The sign(s) shall meet all General Standards within Section 6-307.C. of the Land Development Code;
b. The sign(s) shall be located on private properties with permission from the property owner;
c. The sign(s) may be Yard (Pin) Signs or a type of allowable sign,
d. The sign(s) shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from all property lines, walks/paths, and access drives;
e. The sign(s) shall not exceed five feet (5') in overall height when measured from grade;
f. The sign shall not be installed above the roof line when located on a building; and
g. The total sign face area (for all signs combined) allowed per property shall be in accordance with the following table:
Land Area/Location
Maximum Allowable Total Sign Face Area (all signs combined) |
Less than one (1) acre and not located on a major/minor arterial road or major collector road | Six (6) square feet |
Less than one (1) acre and located on a major/minor arterial road or major collector road | Forty (40) square feet |
One (1) to ten (10) acres | Forty (40) square feet |
Greater than ten (10) acres | Sixty-four (64) square feet |
5. Real Estate Signs. Sign(s) meeting the following requirements shall be permitted on real property which is actively being offered for sale or lease:
a. The sign shall meet all General Standards within Section 6-307.C. of the Land Development Code;
b. The sign shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from all property lines, walks/paths, and access drives;
c. One (1) sign is allowed per frontage along a public right-of-way;
d. Sign(s) shall be removed no later than seven (7) days after the close of the transaction of the sale or rental;
e. The sign shall not be installed above the roof line when located on a building;
f. The maximum sign height shall not exceed six feet (6') when located on the ground in a residential zoning district or ten feet (10') in a non-residential or mixed-use zoning district; and
g. The maximum sign face area (for each sign) shall be in accordance with the following table:
Land Area/Location
Maximum Allowable Sign Face Area (per sign)
Less than one (1) acre and not located on a major/minor arterial road or major collector road | Six (6) square feet |
Less than one (1) acre and located on a major/minor arterial road or major collector road | Forty (40) square feet |
Greater than one (1) acre | Forty (40) square feet |
6. Replaceable Copy. Changing of the sign copy or message on a manual changeable sign.
7. Window Signage. Changes in the copy of window signage, provided that it does not cover more than fifty percent (50%) of any single window. Window signs shall be located on the interior side of the window and shall not be located on spandrel glass.

8. Historical Marker/Integral Signs. Such signs shall have a maximum sign face area of six (6) square feet and meet all General Standards within this Section.
9. Flags. Flags on flagpoles are allowed, provided that the flag and flagpole are in compliance with Section 6-302.C.12. of the Land Development Code.
10. Light Pole Banners. Banners on light poles are allowed within Sign District #3 in accordance with the following provisions:
a. There shall be no more than two (2) banners per pole; and
b. The size of each banner shall not exceed ten (10) square feet.
11. Business Status Sign. One (1) sign may be displayed near the entrance to the business on the inside of a window or door, provided that the sign is no greater than four (4) square feet in area. Such sign may be internally-illuminated with a steady, motionless light source.
12. Outdoor Bulletin Boards. One (1) bulletin board shall be allowed per tenant, provided that the sign is no greater than four (4) square feet in area and is attached to the exterior wall within six feet (6') of the entrance to the building.
13. Sandwich Boards/A-Frames. Sandwich boards/A-frames are allowed in accordance with the following provisions:
a. The sign meets all General Standards within Section 6-307.C. of the Land Development Code, except sandwich boards may be located on private sidewalks provided that a minimum of thirty-six inches (36") is clear for pedestrians;
b. One (1) sandwich board/A-frame is allowed per tenant;
c. The sign shall be constructed of wood or aluminum and not plastic;
d. The sign face area shall not exceed a maximum of seven (7) square feet per side;
e. The height shall not exceed a maximum of fifty-four inches (54") tall;
f. The sign shall be located within fifteen feet (15') of the tenant’s entrance to the building;
g. The sign shall be securely anchored to withstand weather conditions; and
h. The sign shall not be displayed outdoors while the business is closed.
14. Branding Without Copy. Brand elements without sign copy do not require a sign permit but instead shall be reviewed administratively by the Development Services Department through an Appearance Review and/or approval of Elevations. Murals and public art shall be considered branding without copy, provided such signs do not contain any commercial messaging, advertising, logos, or business identification messages. (Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
15. Window Displays. Shall be allowed provided that prohibited signage is not within the window display. Window displays shall not cover more than fifty percent (50%) of any single window.
16. Incidental Signs and Miscellaneous Information Signs. Small signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, displayed on private property for the purposes of providing general site-specific information, instructions, directives, safety information, or restriction to the public. Incidental signs shall not include commercial advertising intended to be viewed off the premises on which the sign is located. (Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
2. Permit Application. An application for a sign permit must be submitted to the Development Services Department on forms furnished by the Department. The Applicant must provide information to determine if the proposed sign is allowed under this Code and other applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances. Village Staff will review the application to determine if the proposed sign is permissible. The Applicant shall pay a sign permit fee in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 2 of the Village Code, as amended from time to time, when the permit is issued to the Applicant.
3. Installation. Signs shall not be installed unless a valid sign permit has been issued for a sign or a sign meets the criteria for exemption from the permit requirement. A sign with a valid sign permit must be installed within six (6) months of permit issuance or else the permit becomes invalid. Signs shall be installed per the approved drawings and any supplementary information provided in the sign permit application.
4. Removal. The Village reserves the right to require removal of signs, at the owner’s expense, in the following circumstances:
a. When a sign is erected without a valid permit;
b. When a permit is invalidated or revoked;
c. When a permit for a temporary sign has expired;
d. When a sign becomes obsolete and no longer identifies a bona fide business conducted or a product sold on the premises where said sign is located. Such sign shall be removed immediately by the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use of the building, structure, or property upon which said sign may be found.
1. If the sign to be removed is located on a multi-panel ground sign, the obsolete panel must be completely replaced with a blank panel consistent in color with other existing panels.
2. If the sign to be removed is within a fixed cabinet on a façade, the obsolete panel must be completely replaced with a blank panel consistent in color with other existing panels or the entire cabinet must be removed and the façade must be restored.
e. When any sign is deemed unsafe, insecure, or a danger to the public, or has been constructed, erected, or maintained in violation of the provisions of this Section, the Development Services Department shall give written notice to the permittee thereof requesting removal of the sign. If the permittee fails to remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the standards herein set forth within five (5) days after such notice, the Development Services Department may declare such sign to be a public nuisance and remove such sign at the owner’s expense. The Village may immediately remove illegal signs located within the public right-of-way.
5. Noncompliance. When a sign is not in compliance with an approved permit or the provisions of this Section the Village shall issue citation(s) to the owner of such sign and/or the owner of the premises on which the sign is located.
E. Sign Types. The following sign types are expressly allowed or prohibited within the Village. Sign types are defined within Section 6-307.K. of the Land Development Code. In the event that a proposed sign is not classified as allowable or prohibited the Development Services Department shall determine if the sign will be allowed.
1. Allowable Signs.

Graphic: Example of Allowable Signs
(Note: Not all sign types are pictured.)
(Note: Not all sign types are pictured.)
a. Types of Wall Signs
1. Wall Sign (Permanent)
2. Channel Letters (Permanent)
3. Cloud Sign (Permanent)
4. Push-Thru Letters (Permanent)
5. Awning Sign (Permanent)
6. Canopy Sign (Permanent)
7. Projecting Sign (Permanent)
8. Window Sign (Permanent or Temporary)
9. Banner Sign (Temporary)
b. Types of Ground Signs
1. Monument Sign (Permanent)
2. Directional Sign (Permanent)
3. Dual Post Sign (Permanent or Temporary)
4. Banner Sign (Temporary)
5. Sandwich Board Sign (Temporary)
c. Other Types of Signs
1. Under Canopy Sign (Permanent)
2. Address Sign (Permanent)
3. Manual Changeable Sign (Permanent)
4. Window Display (Permanent or Temporary)
5. Inflatables (Temporary)
2. Prohibited Signs. Except as specifically provided otherwise within Section 6-307 of the Land Development Code, the following signs and displays shall be strictly prohibited throughout the Village:

Graphic: Example of Prohibited Signs
(Note: Not all sign types are pictured.)
a. Any sign which constitutes a hazard to public health or safety, including dangerous construction or sight obstructions, as determined by the Development Services Department.
b. Signs which by color, location, or design resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or signals.
c. Signs which contain advertising matter which is untruthful, objectionable, or obscene, as determined by the Development Services Department.
d. Signs which emit an audible sound, odor, or visible matter such as smoke.
e. Signs which contain radio/microwave transmitters.
f. Abandoned or obsolete signs, including the posts or other supports therefor, that are no longer being properly maintained by the owner of the sign.
g. Commercial signs on a vehicle for the purposes of advertising a product or service, or for identifying or calling attention to a business or activity located on or off the premises, where said vehicle is parked on the public right-of-way, adjacent to or near the right-of-way, is not used for daily operations or during the regular course of business, or is not licensed, insured, or operational. Commercial signs displayed on vehicles used for the daily operations of a business are permitted provided that said vehicles must be parked or stored on private property in a location farthest away from the public right-of-way or in the least visible location from the public right-of-way, as determined by the Development Services Department. (Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
h. Any signs or attention getting devices visible from the public right-of-way that rotate, revolve, or have any visible moving parts or that gives the appearance of movement, including, but are not limited to: searchlights, electronic screens, spinners, streamers, balloons (other than temporary inflatable signs with a valid permit), and other similar devices, or ornamentation designed for purposes of attracting attention, promotion or advertising, unless otherwise provided for in this Section. However, such signs may be permissible and exempt from permit requirements if the sign or attention getting device is:
1. Displayed through the interior side of a window;
2. No closer than five feet (5') to said window;
3. Comprises no more than fifty percent (50%) of the area of the window(s) that it is viewed through; and
4. The building is set back at least thirty feet (30') from a public right-of-way.
i. Box (Cabinet) Signs, unless subordinate to a primary allowable sign type and meeting the following conditions:
1. Shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the sign face area; and
2. Shall have an opaque background so only lettering is illuminated.
j. Off-Premise Signs.
k. Roof Signs.
l. Electronic Changeable Signs, or signs that feature blinking, flashing, or holograms.
m. Yard (Pin) Signs, except Political Signs may be Yard (Pin) Signs.
n. Feather/Flag Signs.
o. Pennants.
p. Signs which are painted directly onto any exterior wall of any building or structure.
q. Signs which are incorporated directly into a ground surface, including tiles and pavers.
r. Signs or displays which contain bare, unshielded lights or tubes (including neon) which are visible from a public right-of-way or a private residence unless otherwise provided for in this Section. The use of unshielded LED rope lights or tube lights may be permitted as an architectural accent on non-residential properties directly abutting Interstate 80, subject to the rules and regulations of Section 6-315. (Amd. Ord. 5476 - 1/20/20; Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
s. Displays of lights along property lines, sales areas, doors, windows, edges of a building, or similar.
F. Permanent Signs.
1. Appearance Standards.
a. Review. Signs shall be reviewed administratively for appearance by the Development Services Department.
b. Standards.
1. Every sign shall be designed as an integral architectural element of the building, structure, or site to which it principally relates.
2. The colors, materials, and lighting of the sign shall be harmonious with the building, structure, and/or site to which it principally relates.
3. Every sign shall have appropriate scale and proportion in its design.
4. No more than two (2) colors shall be used on a single letter or character. Logos shall be exempt from this regulation.
5. Decorative light fixtures complimentary to the architecture of the building shall be used for external illumination.
6. Projecting signs shall include durable mounting hardware that is attractive and is an integral part of the sign design. Guy wires and extension poles are prohibited.
7. Sign panels with internal illumination shall have opaque backgrounds so that only the sign copy is illuminated.
8. Wall Signs:
a. Shall be centered within the tenant’s frontage unless otherwise deemed aesthetically appropriate by the Development Services Department. Effort shall be made to not conflict with the architectural elements of the building façade.
b. Wall signs upon multi-tenant structures shall be mounted in accordance with an established center line.
c. Background color is included within the measurement of sign face area for wall signs unless deemed appropriate as an architectural feature by the Development Services Department.
d. All raceways shall be of a color that matches the façade behind the sign.
9. Ground Signs:
a. For monument signs, the sign base shall be at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the width of the sign face.
b. For dual post signs, each post shall be at least fifteen percent (15%) of the total width of the sign.
c. The ground sign’s materials shall match the materials on the principal structure.
d. Multi-tenant ground sign panels shall be of the same background color and font color. Font face may differ from tenant to tenant. Logos are exempt from the font color requirement.

e. Landscaping shall be provided around the base of all ground signs in accordance with Section 6-305.D.7 of the Land Development Code. (Amd. Ord. 5476 - 1/20/20)
2. Permanent Sign Regulations by District. Signs shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations by Sign District within the subsequent tables. The following terms are used in the tables in order to further explain or abbreviate the sign regulations.
ROW | Right-of-Way |
SF | Square Foot/Square Feet |
SFA | Sign Face Area |
GFA | Gross Floor Area |
RES | Residential |
NON-RES | Non-Residential |
a. Sign District #1: Residential. The following signs shall be allowed in Residential Zoning Districts (E-1, R-1, R-2, R-2A, R-3, R-3A, R-4, and RSB) with a valid permanent sign permit from the Development Services Department.
To view Sign District # 1 table in PDF, click HERE
Sign District #1 - Residential Zoning Districts
| ||||||
Sign Type | Tenant Land Use | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximum Number of Signs | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Regulations |
Sign District #1 - Residential Zoning Districts
| ||||||
Sign Type | Tenant Land Use | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximum Number of Signs | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Regulations | |
WALL | Wall Sign/ Channel Letters/ Cloud Sign/ Push-Thru Letters | RES | 2 SF | 1 per tenant frontage; maximum of 2 | - | • Shall not cover any part of a window; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade |
NON- RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per tenant frontage | - | • Shall not cover any part of a window; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade | ||
Awning Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON- RES | 10% of visible surface area of awning | 1 per tenant awning | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Awnings shall be located above windows or doors; • Signage not permitted on valance | ||
Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON- RES | 1 SF per linear foot of canopy | 1 per tenant canopy | 24" | • Canopy and attached signage must have a minimum 8' clearance | ||
Projecting Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON- RES | 10 SF | 1 per tenant entrance | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall be located near the tenant entrance; • Shall be located below second story windows; • Maximum projection: 5' | ||
GROUND | Monument Sign/ Dual Post Sign | RES | 12 SF per acre; maximum of 32 SF | 1 per entrance from ROW | 6' | • May be located within a public landscape median with Village approval; • If illuminated, the sign shall only be externally illuminated • Prohibited for individual single-family lots |
NON- RES | 40 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | Monumen t: 10'; Dual Post: 6' | • Signs shall be spaced at least 75' apart; • For multi-tenant signs, tenant panels shall cover no more than 80% of the allowable SFA | ||
OTHER | Under Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON- RES | 6 SF | 1 per tenant entrance | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall be located near the tenant entrance | ||
Manual Changeable Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON- RES | 25% of the ground sign SFA | 1 | - | • Shall be installed within a ground sign | ||
(Amd. Ord. 5476 - 1/20/20; Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
b. Sign District #2: Commercial. The following signs shall be allowed in Commercial/Office Zoning Districts (BIZ, COR, VCD, LSPD, RMC, and ORI) with a valid permanent sign permit from the Development Services Department. This Sign District excludes those properties within Sign District #3.
To view Sign District # 2 table in PDF, click HERE
Sign District #2 - Commercial Zoning Districts
| ||||||
Sign Type
Tenant Land Use
Maximum Sign Face Area
Maximum Number of Signs
Maximum Sign Height
Additional Regulations
Sign District #2 - Commercial Zoning Districts
| ||||||
Sign Type
Tenant Land Use
Maximum Sign Face Area
Maximum Number of Signs
Maximum Sign Height
Additional Regulations
| |
WALL | Wall Sign/ Channel Letters/ Cloud Sign/ Push-Thru Letters | RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per ROW frontage | - | • Only allowed on multi-family buildings with more than 10 dwelling units; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade |
NON- RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per tenant frontage | - | • Shall not cover any part of a window; • The combined SFA of all signs shall not exceed the allowable SFA per frontage; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade | ||
Awning Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 10% of visible surface area of awning | 1 per tenant awning | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Awnings shall be located above windows or doors; • Signage not permitted on valance | ||
Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 1 SF per linear foot of canopy | 1 per tenant canopy | 24" | • Canopy and attached signage must have a minimum 8' clearance | ||
Projecting Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 10 SF | 1 per tenant entrance | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall be located near the tenant entrance; • Shall be located below second story windows; • Maximum projection: 5' | ||
GROUND | Monument Sign | RES | 12 SF per acre; maximum of 32 SF | 1 per entrance from ROW | 6' | • May be located within a public landscape median with Village approval; • If illuminated, the sign shall only be externally illuminated |
NON-RES | GFA < 350,000 SF: 40 SF; GFA 350,000- 500,000 SF: 100 SF; GFA > 500,000 SF: 125 SF | 1 per ROW frontage; Lot frontage > 300': 1 additional sign allowed along that frontage | GFA < 500,000 SF: 10'; GFA > 500,000 SF: 18' | • Signs shall be spaced at least 75' apart; • For multi-tenant signs, tenant panels shall cover no more than 75% of the allowable SFA | ||
Dual Post Sign | RES | 12 SF per acre; maximum of 32 SF | 1 per entrance from ROW | 6' | • May be located within a public landscape median with Village approval; • If illuminated, the sign shall only be externally illuminated | |
NON-RES | 40 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | 6' | • Signs shall be spaced at least 75' apart; • Tenant panels shall cover no more than 75% of the allowable SFA | ||
OTHER | Under Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON-RES | 6 SF | 1 per tenant entrance | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall be located near the tenant entrance | ||
Manual Changeable Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 25% of the ground sign SFA | 1 | - | • Shall be installed within a ground sign | ||
(Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
c. Sign District #3: Eastern 159th Street Corridor. The following signs shall be allowed on properties directly adjacent to 159th Street between 71st Court and 94th Avenue with a valid permanent sign permit from the Development Services Department.
To view Sign District # 3 table in PDF, click HERE
Sign District #3 - Eastern 159th Street Corridor
| ||||||
Sign Type
Tenant Land Use
Maximum Sign Face Area
Maximum Number of Signs
Maximum Sign Height
Additional Regulations
Sign District #3 - Eastern 159th Street Corridor
| ||||||
Sign Type
Tenant Land Use
Maximum Sign Face Area
Maximum Number of Signs
Maximum Sign Height
Additional Regulations
| |
WALL | Wall Sign/ Channel Letters/ Cloud Sign/ Push-Thru Letters | RES | 1 SF per dwelling unit; maximum of 40 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | - | • Only allowed on multi- family buildings with more than 10 dwelling units; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade |
NON-RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per tenant frontage | - | • Shall not cover any part of a window; • The combined SFA of all wall signs shall not exceed the allowable SFA per frontage; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade | ||
WALL (Cont’d.) | Awning Sign | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON-RES | 10% of visible surface area of awning | 1 per tenant awning | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Awnings shall be located above windows or doors; • Signage not permitted on valance | ||
Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 1 SF per linear foot of canopy | 1 per tenant canopy | 24" | • Canopy and attached signage must have a minimum 8' clearance | ||
Projecting Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 10 SF | 1 per tenant entrance | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall be located near the tenant entrance; • Shall be located below second story windows; • Maximum projection: 5' | ||
GROUND | Monument Sign | RES | 12 SF per acre; maximum of 32 SF | 1 per entrance from ROW | 6' | • May be located within a public landscape median with Village approval; • If illuminated, the sign shall only be externally illuminated |
NON-RES | GFA < 350,000 SF: 64 SF; GFA > 350,000 SF: 100 SF | 1 per ROW frontage; Lot frontage > 300': 1 additional sign allowed along that frontage | 18' | • Signs shall be spaced at least 75' apart; • Tenant panels shall cover no more than 80% of the allowable SFA | ||
Dual Post Sign | RES | 12 SF per acre; maximum of 32 SF | 1 per entrance from ROW | 6' | • May be located within a public landscape median with Village approval; • If illuminated, the sign shall only be externally illuminated | |
NON-RES | 40 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | 6' | • Signs shall be spaced at least 75' apart; • For multi-tenant signs, tenant panels shall cover no more than 80% of the allowable SFA | ||
OTHER | Under Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON-RES | 6 SF | 1 per tenant entrance | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall be located near the tenant entrance | ||
Manual Changeable Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 25% of the ground sign SFA | 1 | - | • Shall be installed within a ground sign | ||
(Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
d. Sign District #4: Industrial. The following signs shall be allowed in the Industrial Zoning District (MFG) with a valid permanent sign permit from the Development Services Department.
To view Sign District # 4 table in PDF, click HERE
Sign District #4 - Industrial Zoning District
| ||||||
Sign Type | Tenant Land Use | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximum Number of Signs | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Regulations |
Sign District #4 - Industrial Zoning District
| ||||||
Sign Type | Tenant Land Use | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximum Number of Signs | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Regulations | |
WALL | Wall Sign/ Channel Letters/ Cloud Sign/ Push-Thru Letters | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON-RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per tenant frontage | - | • Shall not cover any part of a window; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade | ||
Awning Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 10% of visible surface area of awning | 1 per tenant awning | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Awnings shall be located above windows or doors; • Signage not permitted on valance | ||
Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 1 SF per linear foot of canopy | 1 per tenant canopy | 24" | >• Canopy and attached signage must have a minimum 8' clearance | ||
Projecting Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | Prohibited | |||||
GROUND | Monument Sign/ Dual Post Sign | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON-RES | 40 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | 10' | • Signs shall be spaced at least 75' apart; • For multi-tenant signs, tenant panels shall cover no more than 80% of the allowable SFA | ||
OTHER | Under Canopy Sign | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON-RES | Prohibited | |||||
Manual Changeable Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON-RES | 25% of the ground sign SFA | 1 | - | • Shall be installed within a ground sign | ||
(Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
e. Sign District #5: Old Orland Historic District. The following signs shall be allowed in the Old Orland Historic District (OOH) with a valid permanent sign permit from the Development Services Department.
To view Sign District # 5 table in PDF, click HERE
Sign District #5 - Old Orland Historic District
| ||||||
Sign Type | Tenant Land Use | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximum Number of Signs | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Regulations |
Sign District #5 - Old Orland Historic District
| ||||||
Sign Type | Tenant Land Use | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximum Number of Signs | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Regulations | |
WALL | Wall Sign/ Channel Letters/ Cloud Sign/ Push-Thru Letters | RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per ROW frontage | - | • Only allowed on multi-family buildings with more than 10 dwelling units; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade |
NON- RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per tenant frontage | - | • Shall not cover any part of a window; • The combined SFA of all signs shall not exceed the allowable SFA per frontage; • Shall not extend more than 18" from the façade; • For multi-story or multi-tenant buildings, tenant sign location is subject to review by the Development Services Department | ||
Awning Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON- RES | 10% of visible surface area of awning | 1 per tenant awning | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Awnings shall be located above windows or doors; • Signage not permitted on valance | ||
Projecting Sign | RES | Prohibited | ||||
NON- RES | 10 SF | 1 per tenant entrance | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall be located near the tenant entrance; • For multi-story or multi-tenant buildings, tenant signs must be located over or within 2 feet of the first floor pedestrian door access to the building; • Maximum 3' projection; • Shall not be internally illuminated | ||
GROUND | Monument Sign/ Dual Post Sign | RES | Prohibited | |||
NON- RES | 20 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | 5' | • For multi-tenant signs, tenant panels shall cover no more than 75% of the allowable SFA • Wood posts are permitted for dual post signs subject to review by the Development Services Department
| ||
(Amd. Ord. 5476 - 1/20/20; Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
3. Permanent Sign Bonuses. Non-residential land uses within Sign District #2, #3, and #4 shall be eligible for the following sign bonuses in addition to the allowable signage within Section 6-307.F.2. of the Land Development Code:
a. Bonuses for Sign Face Area for Wall/Channel Letter/Cloud Sign/Push-Thru Letters. The following bonuses shall apply to the calculation for SFA for the aforementioned sign types. Bonuses for Tenant Gross Floor Area may apply to any valid tenant frontage. Bonuses for Building Setback from Public Right-of-Way shall only apply to signs installed on the tenant frontage(s) eligible for the bonus. Bonuses for Building Setback from a public right-of-way may include a private right-of-way internal to a Planned Development. Note: The maximum formula for SFA is 2 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage where the sign will be installed. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
Tenant Gross Floor Area | Sign Face Area Bonus |
25,000 – 50,000 SF | + 0.25 SF per lineal foot of tenant frontage |
> 50,000 SF | + 0.50 SF per lineal foot of tenant frontage |
Building Setback from Public Right-of-Way | Sign Face Area Bonus |
150' – 300' | + 0.25 SF per lineal foot of tenant frontage |
> 300' | + 0.50 SF per lineal foot of tenant frontage |
b. Bonuses for Quantity of Wall/Channel Letter/Cloud/Push-Thru Letter Signs. The following bonuses shall apply to the allowable quantity of the aforementioned sign types. The total SFA of all wall signs shall not exceed the allowable SFA.
Tenant Gross Floor Area | Sign Quantity Bonus |
15,000 – 50,000 SF | + 2 Signs |
> 50,000 SF | + 4 Signs |
c. Monument Sign Bonuses for Sign Height. Additional sign height shall be allowed for monument signs directly adjacent to a right-of-way where a road construction project increased the elevation of the roadway. The base of the monument sign may be increased to allow for the sign to be a maximum of ten feet (10') above the street elevation of the nearest point of the adjacent roadway pavement. The sign face shall not extend below the street elevation.

G. Temporary Signs. The following Temporary Signs shall be allowed with a valid temporary sign permit from the Development Services Department, subject to compliance with the following regulations.
1. General Regulations for all Temporary Signs.
a. Sign Type. As outlined in Section 6-309.G.2, temporary signs for residential and non-residential uses shall be limited to temporary wall signs (banners), temporary ground signs (dual post sign/banner), and grand opening signs. All temporary signs are subject to the General Standards listed in Section 6-307.C and Procedures listed in Section 6-307.D.
b. Number. A maximum of one (1) temporary sign shall be permitted for and displayed by the same business, establishment, or single residential lot at any one point in time.
c. Duration. Unless as otherwise provided in the regulations of this Section, no more than six (6) permits for temporary signs shall be issued for a business, establishment, or residential use located on the same lot within one (1) calendar year. A temporary sign permit shall be valid for a maximum period of seven (7) days. A temporary sign displayed for less than seven (7) days constitutes a one-week period. Such permits may be issued in any combination not to exceed six (6) permits per calendar year for a total of forty-two (42) days running concurrently.
d. Durability and Maintenance. All temporary signs must be properly maintained while displayed and be able to withstand all weather elements. All temporary signs must remain in good condition during the display period. Throughout the display period, corrective action must be taken immediately should there be any problems with the appearance, condition or maintenance of the sign and/or support hardware.
e. Removal. All temporary signs shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after the expiration of a sign permit or time period approved on the permit.
2. Regulations by Temporary Sign Type.
a. Temporary Wall Signs (Banners).
1. Sign Face Area. For non-residential uses, the maximum sign face area for a temporary wall sign shall be one (1) square foot per linear foot of tenant frontage. For residential uses, the maximum sign face area for a temporary wall sign shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet.
2. Number. For non-residential uses, a maximum of one (1) temporary wall sign shall be permitted for each tenant frontage. For residential uses, a maximum of one (1) temporary wall sign shall be permitted per right-of-way frontage.
3. Location. Temporary wall signs shall not extend above the roofline or parapet wall of a building and shall not cover any part of a window or door. All temporary wall signs shall maintain a minimum eight (8) foot clearance measured vertically from grade to the bottom of the sign. For non-residential uses, temporary wall signs shall be centered within the tenant's frontage unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Department.
b. Temporary Ground Signs (Dual Post Signs/Banners).
1. Sign Face Area. For non-residential uses, the maximum sign face area for a temporary ground signs shall be one (1) square foot per linear foot of tenant frontage. For residential uses, the maximum sign face area for a temporary ground sign shall not exceed twenty- five (25) square feet.
2. Number. For non-residential uses, a maximum of one (1) temporary ground sign shall be permitted for each tenant frontage. For residential uses, a maximum of one (1) temporary ground sign shall be permitted per right-of-way frontage.
3. Height. For non-residential uses, the maximum height for a temporary ground signs shall be eight (8) feet. For residential uses, the maximum height for a temporary ground signs shall be five (5) feet.
3. Extensions for Display Period. The Development Services Department may extend the allowable duration of display for temporary signs in the following circumstances:
a. Grand Opening Signs. One (1) additional temporary grand opening sign may be granted for a maximum of fourteen days (14) after a new business opens for the first time at a physical location within the Village and receives a Certificate of Occupancy per calendar year. A grand opening sign must be applied for and erected within sixty (60) days immediately following the issuance of a full or temporary Certificate of Occupancy.
1. Permitted Sign Types. Temporary wall signs (banners), temporary ground signs (dual post signs/banners), and temporary inflatable signs shall be permitted sign types for grand opening signs.
2. Requirements for Temporary Inflatable Signs. Inflatable signs shall only be displayed or erected through an approved temporary grand opening sign permit. One (1) temporary inflatable sign is permitted per lot. Inflatable signs which move or give the appearance of moving are prohibited, as provided in Section 6-307.E.2. Inflatables may not be mounted on the roof of a building or structure.
b. Special Events. The Development Services Department may extend the allowable duration of display of temporary signs for special events with an approved special event permit issued by the Village. A letter requesting additional display time must be submitted as part of the temporary sign permit application. All temporary signs associated with a special event permit shall be erected no earlier than two (2) weeks before the date of the special event and shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after date of the special event.
c. Temporary or Seasonal Use. The Development Services Department may extend the allowable duration of display of temporary signs for temporary or seasonal uses approved by the Village. A letter requesting additional display time must be submitted as part of the temporary sign permit application. A temporary sign for a temporary or seasonal use shall extend no longer than the duration of the use. A temporary or seasonal use shall mean a new business at a physical location within the Village that plans to operate for a specific period of time, which is typically less than ninety (90) days. Examples include, but are not limited to, temporary offices, carnivals, and holiday-related retail sales. Such use must be properly permitted/licensed by the Village.
Temporary Signs
| ||||||
Sign Type | Tenant Land Use | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximu m Number of Signs | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Regulations | |
WALL | Banner
| RES | 25 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | - | • Minimum 8' clearance; • Shall not extend above the roofline or parapet wall of a building • Shall not cover any part of a window or door • Shall be centered within the tenant's frontage unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Department |
NON- RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per tenant frontage | - | |||
GROU ND | Dual Post Sign/ Banner
| RES | 25 SF | 1 per ROW frontage | 5' | - |
NON- RES | 1 SF per linear foot of tenant frontage | 1 per tenant frontage | 8' |
(Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
H. Special Areas of Control. The following signs shall be allowed with a valid permanent sign permit from the Development Services Department.
1. Construction Site Signs. Sign(s) meeting the following requirements shall be permitted for sites with an active building permit on file with the Development Services Department:
a. The sign(s) shall meet all General Standards within Section 6-307.C. of the Land Development Code;
b. The sign(s) may be made of temporary or permanent materials;
c. The sign(s) shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from all property lines, walks/paths, and access drives unless installed on construction fencing;
d. One (1) sign is allowed per frontage along a public right-of-way;
e. Sign(s) shall be displayed no earlier than thirty (30) days before construction begins and removed no later than seven (7) days after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy and/or completion of construction;
f. The sign(s) shall not be installed above the roof line when located on a building, be greater than six feet (6') in height when located on the ground, and/or exceed the height of the construction fence if installed upon said fence; and
g. The maximum sign face area shall be in accordance with the following table:
Land Area/Location | Maximum Allowable Total Sign Face Area (all signs combined) |
Less than ten (10) acres | Twelve (12) square feet per acre; maximum of forty (40) square feet |
Greater than ten (10) acres | Sixty-four (64) square feet |
2. Model Home Signs. Sign(s) meeting the following requirements shall be permitted on real property which is registered as a model home site with the Development Services Department:
a. The sign shall meet all General Standards within Section 6-307.C. of the Land Development Code;
b. The sign shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from all property lines, walks/paths, and access drives;
c. The sign shall be located on the ground;
d. One (1) sign is allowed per frontage along a public right-of-way;
e. The maximum sign height shall not exceed six feet (6') when located on the ground; and
f. The maximum sign face area for each sign shall be no larger than forty (40) square feet.
3. Gas Station Signs. On premises where gasoline is dispensed:
a. Each side of a service station island containing gasoline pumps shall be permitted a maximum of two (2) permanent signs meeting the following requirements:
1. The maximum sign face area shall neither exceed six (6) square feet for each exposed face nor exceed an aggregate gross surface area of twelve (12) square feet.
2. Such signs shall be incorporated within the service station island structure to which it relates.
b. Each gas station canopy shall be permitted one (1) canopy sign per right-of-way frontage. The gross surface area of such sign shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the gross surface area of the canopy to which the sign is to be affixed. Said canopy signage shall not extend above or below the canopy. (Amd. Ord. 5476 - 1/20/20)
4. Directional Signs.
a. Directional Signs, if deemed necessary by the Development Services Department in the interest of public safety, shall be permitted in accordance with the following requirements.
Gross Floor Area | Maximum Sign Face Area Per Sign | Maximum Sign Height |
< 350,000 SF | 10 SF | 4' |
350,000 – 500,000 SF | 24 SF | 7' |
> 500,000 SF | 70 SF | 9' |
b. Permanent off-site directional signs may be permitted for medical facilities and senior housing facilities if located in a non-residential area and within 1,000 feet of the facility.
c. Temporary off-site directional signs may be permitted for special events as determined by the Development Services Department.
d. The allowable quantity of directional signs shall be determined by the Development Services Department.
e. Directional signs must be located a minimum of one (1) foot from any lot line.
f. The name of a business or logo may be included on a directional sign, provided that the name and logo shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the surface area of the sign. No other commercial message is permitted. (Amd. Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)
5. Drive-Through Accessories. Drive-Through Accessories shall meet the requirements of Section 6-302.K of the Land Development Code. (Amd. Ord. 5476 - 1/20/20)
I. Nonconforming Signs. Signs existing at the time of the enactment of this Section, or any amendment thereto, or at the time of annexation of the property on which they are located and not conforming to the provisions of this Section, shall be regarded as nonconforming signs. Nonconforming signs shall be of two types: legal nonconforming or illegal nonconforming.
1. Legal Nonconforming Signs. Nonconforming signs that were lawfully permitted by the Village shall be considered legal nonconforming signs. The following activities are allowed for legal nonconforming signs and may require a permit from the Development Services Department:
a. Ordinary Repair and Maintenance. Normal maintenance and incidental repair are allowed for legal nonconforming signs, provided that any repair or maintenance shall, whenever possible, eliminate or reduce any nonconformity. The allowable scope of repair and maintenance for legal nonconforming signs includes:
1. The replacement of non-load-bearing sign elements and electrical wiring and fixtures; and
2. The replacing, repairing, or repainting of any portion of a sign or its structural elements, provided that the sign is not structurally altered to prolong its useful life.
b. Change in Display of Sign Content. The periodic changing of tenant’s sign panels or the renewing of copy that has been made unusable by ordinary wear and tear, weather, or accident is allowed on legal nonconforming signs. All new panels within nonconforming signs shall be designed to meet current Appearance Standards per Section 6-307.F.1.
c. Alteration, Enlargement, and Relocation. Legal nonconforming signs shall not be:
1. Changed or altered in any manner that would increase the degree of its nonconformity;
2. Enlarged or expanded; and/or
3. Moved in whole or in part to any other location where the sign would remain nonconforming.
2. Illegal Nonconforming Signs. Nonconforming signs that do not have a valid permit on file with the Village shall be considered illegal nonconforming signs.
a. Removal. Illegal nonconforming signs shall be immediately removed at the expense of the owner.
b. Alteration. The owner of an illegal nonconforming sign may obtain a permit to alter the illegal nonconforming sign to conform with all applicable Village codes.
J. Severability. If any portion of this document is to any extent invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced, such term shall be excluded to the extent of such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability; all other terms hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
K. Definitions. In the event of a conflict within this Section and within Section 2-102 (Definitions) of the Land Development Code the definitions herein shall apply.
1. Average Natural Grade: When measuring sign height, the average natural grade shall mean the average grade measured ten feet (10') in every direction from the sign location.
2. Calendar Year: The time between January 1 and December 31.
3. Frontage, Tenant: The horizontal distance between a tenant’s lease lines along a façade facing a public right-of-way, private access drive, and/or parking lot serving the business. Tenant Frontage shall not include frontage along outdoor sales areas and accessory structures. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
4. Sign: Any object, device, display, or structure, or part thereof, which is used primarily to advertise, identify, display or direct or attract attention to an object, person, establishment, product, service, event or location by any means including, but not limited to: words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, motion, illumination or projected images, which are visible beyond the boundaries of the lot, parcel, or tenant space on which they are situated or visible from any public thoroughfare or right-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to, wall signs, ground signs, window signs, awning or canopy signs, marquees, manual changeable signs, message boards, illuminated signs, moving signs, temporary signs, portable signs, pennants, banners, streamers or any other attention-getting device, flag, or other display, whether affixed to a building or erected elsewhere on the premises. The term “sign” excludes those features of a building which are an integral part of the building’s architecture, design, and structure (i.e. an “architectural feature”) as determined by the Development Services Department. Murals and public art shall not be considered signs if the work of visual art does not contain any commercial messaging, advertising, logos, or business identification messages.
5. Sign, Address: A sign displayed for the purpose of identifying the address of the property.
6. Sign, Awning: Signage that exists on an awning.
7. Sign, Banner: A temporary sign with or without characters or illustrations applied to cloth, flexible plastic, or fabric of any kind, with no rigid material as a backing. A Banner Sign is typically installed on the wall of the tenant space, mounted in the ground, or securely attached to an existing ground sign.
8. Sign, Billboard: See Off-Premise (Outdoor Advertising) Sign.
9. Sign, Box (Cabinet): A sign which contains all of the advertising copy within an enclosed cabinet (typically a standard geometric shape such as a rectangle) and is mounted to a wall. Box Signs have a translucent or opaque back-lit panel with sign copy enclosed within a frame or cabinet. An internally-illuminated logo separate from other sign copy shall not constitute a Box Sign.
10. Sign, Canopy: A sign constructed or affixed to a permanent portion of a building that serves as a canopy over the space below. A canopy is an integral part of the building that uses similar materials, whereas an awning is more temporary in nature and build.
11. Sign, Channel Letter: A sign comprising individual letters that are independently mounted to a wall or other surface and have a covered face with internal illumination. Channel letters may be non-illuminated.
12. Sign, Cloud: A sign with a single cabinet that is not a typical geometric shape but instead follows the curvature of the lettering or artwork on the sign. A Cloud Sign is distinguished from a Box (Cabinet) Sign by the shape of the sign and the outer edges forming a cloud around the lettering or artwork on the sign. Typically the background of this type of sign is non-illuminated but the lettering is illuminated.
13. Sign, Directional: A sign designed to provide direction to motorists or pedestrians into, out of, and within a site, including signs marking parking lot entrances and exits, loading zones, drive-through lanes, and features of a similar nature. Such signs typically include arrows and identify locations rather than advertising copy and/or logos. Pavement markings shall not constitute a directional sign.
14. Sign, Dual Post: A ground sign that utilizes two posts or columns that are used to mount the sign in the ground.
15. Sign, Electronic Changeable: Signage that features changeable text and/or illustrations, using computer software or other technology to automate the delivery schedule of the messages.
16. Sign Face: That part of the sign which is or can be used to identify, to advertise, to communicate information, or for visual representation which attracts the attention of the public for any purpose. This shall include any background material, panel, trim, color, and direct or self-illumination that differentiates the sign from the building, structure, backdrop surface, or object upon or against which it is placed. This shall not include any portion of the support structure for the sign, provided that no message, symbol, or any of the aforementioned sign face criteria is placed on or designed as part of the support structure.
17. Sign Face Area: The entire area of a sign face measured in square feet.
18. Sign, Feather/Flag: A temporary ground sign typically taller than it is wide, made of non-rigid material, and attached to a pole.
19. Sign, Flag: A sign attached to a pole on one side of the sign.
20. Sign, Ground: Any sign supported wholly or in part by some structure other than the building or buildings housing the use to which the sign pertains. Ground signs shall also include monument, dual post, and other freestanding signs.
21. Sign, Inflatable: A sign that requires air pressure to maintain its volume.
22. Sign, Integral: Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations and commemorative tablets or other information that is carved into stone, concrete, or similar material or made of bronze, aluminum or other permanent type construction and made an integral part of the structure.
23. Sign, Manual Changeable: A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged manually without altering the face or surface of the sign.
24. Sign, Marquee: A manual changeable sign with a surrounding cache of light bulbs. Typical marquee signage is found at the entry to theaters.
25. Sign, Monument: A two-sided sign attached to a permanent foundation or decorative base and not attached or dependent on support from any building, pole, posts, or similar uprights.
26. Sign, Off-Premise (Outdoor Advertising): A sign providing display space for general commercial advertising not related to the premises on site at which the sign is located; commonly referred to as “billboards”.
27. Sign, Outdoor Bulletin Board: A cabinet attached to the wall of a structure at a pedestrian level for the purpose of displaying periodically-changing messages printed on paper or other similar materials inside the cabinet. Such messages may include announcements, advertisements, or information about a business such as a menu or a brochure of services.
28. Sign, Pennant: A series of triangular non-rigid signs that exist on a string or band.
29. Sign, Permanent: Any sign or advertising display composed of durable materials intended to exist for the duration of time that the use or occupant is located on the premises.
30. Sign, Political: Temporary signs that announce or support political candidates, parties, issues, or causes in connection with any national, state, or local election.
31. Sign, Portable: Any sign that is not permanently attached to the ground, a structure, or a building and which is designed to be easily transported or relocated to another location.
32. Sign, Projecting (Blade): A sign, other than a wall sign, which projects (usually perpendicularly) from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure.
33. Sign, Push-Thru Letters: A sign with individually illuminated acrylic letters and/or a logo that appear to be pushed through the sign’s opaque background panel/cabinet.
34. Sign, Roof: A sign erected, constructed, supported or maintained in whole or part upon or above the highest point of the roof line, parapet, or fascia of the building. For buildings with a hip, gambrel, or gable roof this would be above the eave line; for mansard roofs, this would be above the deck line for the roof, and for flat roofs it would be above the edge of the wall.
35. Sign, Sandwich Board (A-Frame): Portable and relatively lightweight signage constructed to stand independently, not mounted or affixed to its location. This sign is fabricated as an A-frame, which is characterized by having two boards connected together at the top. The boards may have signage on one or both sides.
36. Sign, Temporary: A banner, pennant, poster or advertising display constructed of less durable materials and that appears to be intended to be displayed for a reasonable short or definite limited period of time. If the sign display area is permanent but the message displayed is subject to periodic manual changes, that sign shall not be regarded as a Temporary Sign.
37. Sign, Under Canopy: A sign that is attached to the underside of a canopy.
38. Sign, Wall: Signs mounted on the wall of a building that are parallel to the face it is mounted on. Wall signs may be illuminated or non-illuminated and are typically three-dimensional. Wall signs include but are not limited to sign types such as channel letters, cloud, and push-thru. Signs on canopies, awnings, and windows may also be considered wall signs.
39. Sign, Window: Signs or graphics with or without copy that are adhered to a window.
40. Sign, Yard (Pin): A temporary sign made of non-durable materials that are typically staked in the ground by metal or plastic supports.
41. Window Display: Graphics, digital images, or displays of products without copy located within the interior of the building that are not located on the surface of a window but are visible through a window or other opening. Window displays are used to project a message to potential outside viewers.
(Entire Section Amended Ord. 5316 – 8/6/18; Ord. 5389 – 3/4/19; Ord. 5564 - 12/21/20)