The following signs are prohibited:
(A) Signs that are similar to traffic signs; signs which imitate an official traffic sign or signal or which contain the words, "stop", "go slow", "caution", "danger", "warning", or other similar words are prohibited. Signs which are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring, or other manner of illumination which may be confused with, or construed as a traffic-control device, or which hide from view any traffic street sign or signal, or which obstruct the view in any direction at a street or road intersection are prohibited.
(B) Pennants or banners.
(C) Windblown devices such as spinners and streamers.
(D) Signs painted directly onto a wall or roof.
(E) Signs advertising off- premise businesses, products or services, provided that such signs may be located in the village pursuant to a written off-premise sign location agreement between the village and owner of the sign or the owner of the property where the sign will be located.
(F) Beacon or search lights shall be considered signs within the provisions of this chapter and are prohibited.
(G) Flashing graphics.
(H) Projecting signs. Signs may be placed on the vertical faces of a marquee or canopy, provided no part of the sign shall project above or below the vertical face of the marquee or canopy.
(I) Roof graphics.
(J) Signs encroaching into the public right-of- way. Any such sign is subject to confiscation, removal, or destruction by village employees.
(K) Miscellaneous signs. Signs which are attached to utility poles, trees, and fences, located in the public right-of-way, are prohibited.
(Ord. 88-07, passed - -88; Am. Ord. 2000-08, passed 1-19-00; Am. Ord. 2000-09B, passed 3-15-00; Am. Ord. 2022-005, passed 3-16-22) Penalty, see § 155.99