§ 31.112 DUTIES.
   The Director of Public Works shall perform the following duties:
   (A)   The Director of Public Works shall have charge of and be responsible for the planning, installation, maintenance, repair, improvement, or removal of all public improvements within the village, including but not limited to the following: public streets, curb gutters, sidewalks, crosswalks, alleys, drains, ditches, gutter culverts, water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and other structures or appurtenances thereto.
   (B)   He shall have charge of the operation and maintenance of all public sewers and drains of the village.
   (C)   He shall have charge of all buildings, grounds, and equipment belonging to the village, except such as is expressly delegated to the supervision or control of other departments, boards, or officers.
   (D)   When requested by the President or Board of Trustees, the Director of Public Works shall submit written reports concerning the progress of any specific public improvement or operations.
('65 Code, Ch. 1, Art. 5, § 3) (Ord. 65-0-004, passed 6-3-65)
   In such instance where the performance of his duties requires the services of an engineer, the Director of Public Works may, by and with the consent of the Village President and Board of Trustees, retain the services of a consulting engineer for a specified purpose.
('65 Code, Ch. 1, Art. 5, § 4) (Ord. 65-0-004, passed 6-3-65)
   There is hereby created the office of Assistant Director of Public Works. The Assistant Director of Public Works shall be appointed by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 98-03, passed 3-4-98)
   The compensation of the Assistant Director of Public Works shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 98-03, passed 3-4-98)
§ 31.118 DUTIES.
   The Assistant Director of Public Works shall assist the Director of Public Works in the performance of his duties as specified by ordinance and shall perform such additional duties as may be directed from time to time by the Director of Public Works, the President or Board of Trustees. It is specifically contemplated by the President and Board of Trustees that these duties shall include the responsibility to assist in the formulation of policy.
(Ord. 98-03, passed 3-4-98)
   The Building Commissioner and his assigns of the village are hereby designated as conservators of the peace and are hereby empowered to:
   (A)   Arrest or cause to be arrested, with or without process, all persons who are found violating any municipal ordinance or criminal law of the state relating to design, construction, alteration, enlargement, equipment, repair, demolition, removal, conversion, use, or maintenance of all buildings and structures within the village.
   (B)   To commit the arrested person for examination.
   (C)   If necessary, to detain arrested persons in custody overnight or Sunday in any safe place, or until they can be brought before the proper court.
   (D)   To issue citations within the limits of the village to a person who the Building Commissioner or his assigns reasonably feel has violated any ordinance of the village or law of the state relating to the matters set forth in division (A) above.
(Ord. 82-14, passed - - )
   (A)   There is hereby established the position of Community Service Officer/Inspector.
   (B)   The Community Service Officer/Inspector shall perform the duties assigned to him by the Village President and Board of Trustees, including, but not limited to the following:
      (1)   To serve as a sworn police officer.
      (2)   To insure compliance of all village ordinances and codes and to coordinate code compliance with village residents, businesses and contractors.
      (3)   To coordinate activities between village departments and the Village Police Department and other law enforcement agencies.
      (4)   To prepare reports for the Building Department, Public Works Department, Police Department, Recreation Department and village administration.
      (5)   To maintain records and files for citations issued by the Police Department; to maintain incident and report files for the Building Department, Public Works Department, Recreation Department and Police Department.
      (6)   To secure and maintain evidence and associated records.
      (7)   To provide community oriented information to the public and other governmental agencies.
      (8)   To process a request from village departments for special information.
   (C)   The Community Service Officer/Inspector shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time to time by the Village President and Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 94-15, passed 6-6-94)
   (A)   There is hereby created the position of Village Collector.
   (B)   The Village Collector shall perform the duties assigned to him/her by the Village President and Board of Trustees, including but not limited to the duties given to village collectors by state statute.
   (C)   The Village Collector shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time to time by the Village President and Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 97-32, passed 7-2-97)