The Director of Public Works shall perform the following duties:
(A) The Director of Public Works shall have charge of and be responsible for the planning, installation, maintenance, repair, improvement, or removal of all public improvements within the village, including but not limited to the following: public streets, curb gutters, sidewalks, crosswalks, alleys, drains, ditches, gutter culverts, water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and other structures or appurtenances thereto.
(B) He shall have charge of the operation and maintenance of all public sewers and drains of the village.
(C) He shall have charge of all buildings, grounds, and equipment belonging to the village, except such as is expressly delegated to the supervision or control of other departments, boards, or officers.
(D) When requested by the President or Board of Trustees, the Director of Public Works shall submit written reports concerning the progress of any specific public improvement or operations.
('65 Code, Ch. 1, Art. 5, § 3) (Ord. 65-0-004, passed 6-3-65)
In such instance where the performance of his duties requires the services of an engineer, the Director of Public Works may, by and with the consent of the Village President and Board of Trustees, retain the services of a consulting engineer for a specified purpose.
('65 Code, Ch. 1, Art. 5, § 4) (Ord. 65-0-004, passed 6-3-65)