    This tax shall be collected and discharged in accordance with ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 8-11-2.3. The taxes hereby imposed by § 33.190 and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereto shall be collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois.
(Ord. 2019-005, passed 6-19-19; Am. Ord. 2020-002, passed 2-19-20)
§ 33.999 PENALTY.
   Any person found guilty for violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting, or refusing to comply with, or resisting or opposing the enforcement of any of the provisions of §§ 33.065 through 33.072, except when otherwise specifically provided, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $300 for the first offense and not less than $200 nor more than $500 for the second and each subsequent offense in any 180-day period; provided, however, that all actions seeking the imposition of fines only shall be filed as quasi- criminal actions subject to the provisions of the Illinois Civil Practice Act (ILCS Ch. 765, Act 205, § 1 et seq.). Repeated offenses in excess of three within any 180-day period may also be punishable as a misdemeanor by incarceration for a term not to exceed six months under the procedure set forth in ILCS Ch. 725, Act 5, § 100-1 et seq.). A separate and distinct offense shall be regarded as committed each day upon which each person shall continue any such violations.
(Ord. 92-45, passed 10-28-92; Am. Ord. 93-20, passed 4-6-93)
   (A)   Definitions. As used in these Registration Rules, the following terms shall have the definitions set
forth below.
      (1)   ACT. The Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-1 et seq. as amended from time to time.
      (2)   INTERESTED PARTY(S). Any individual or organization or entity registered in a specific registry who has registered in such registry and whose registration has not been terminated in accordance with these Registration Rules.
      (3)   REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. A Redevelopment Project Area that (a) is intended to qualify (or has subsequently qualified) as a "Redevelopment Project Area" under the Act and (b) is subject to the "Interested Parties" Registry requirements of the Act.
      (4)   REGISTRATION FORM. The form appended to these Registration Rules or such revised form as may be approved by the village consistent with the requirements of the Act.
      (5)   REGISTRY or REGISTRIES. Each Interested Parties Registry, and all such Registries, collectively, established by the village pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-4.2 of the Act for the Redevelopment Project Area.
      (6)   VILLAGE. The Village of Orland Hills, an Illinois municipal corporation.
   (B)   Establishment of registry. The village shall establish a separate Interested Parties Registry for each Redevelopment Project Area, whether existing as of the date of the adoption of these rules or hereafter established. The village shall establish a new registry whenever it has identified an area for study and possible designation as a Redevelopment Project Area. In any event, the process of establishing the new registry must be completed prior to the deadline for sending any of the notices required by division (J) of these rules or any other notices required by the Act with respect to the proposed Redevelopment Project Area.
   (C)   Maintenance of registry. The registries shall be maintained by the Village Clerk or his or her designee. In the event the village determines that an individual other than the Clerk should maintain the registries, the village may transfer the responsibility for maintaining the registries to such other department, provided that the village (i) gives prior written notice to all Interested Parties not less than 30 days prior to such transfer and (ii) publishes notice of such transfer in a newspaper of general circulation in the village.
   (D)   Registration by residents. An individual seeking to register as an Interested Person with respect to a Redevelopment Project Area must complete and submit a registration form to the Village Clerk.
   (E)   Registration by organization. An organization seeking to register as an Interested Person with respect to a Redevelopment Project Area must complete and submit a registration form to the Village Clerk.
   (F)   Determination of eligibility. All individuals and organizations whose registration form and supporting documentation complies with these Registration Rules shall be registered in the applicable registry within ten business days of the Village Clerk's receipt of all such documents. The Clerk shall provide written notice to the registrant confirming such registration. Upon registration, Interested Parties shall be entitled to receive all notices and documents required to be delivered under these rules, or as otherwise required under the Act, with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area. If the Village Clerk determines that a registrant's registration form and/or supporting documentation is incomplete or does not comply with these Registration Rules, the Clerk shall give written notice to the registrant specifying the defect(s). The registrant shall be entitled to correct any defects and resubmit a new registration form and supporting documentation.
   (G)   Renewal and termination. An Interested Person's registration shall remain effective for a period of three years. At any time after such three-year period, the Village Clerk may provide written notice by regular mail to the Interested Person, stating that such registration shall terminate unless the Interested Person renews such registration within 30 days of the Clerk's mailing of written notice. To renew such registration, the Interested Person shall, within such 30-day period, complete and submit the same registration form then required for initial registrants operations in the village. The registration of all individuals and organizations whose registration form is submitted in a timely manner and complies with these Regulation Rules shall be renewed for an additional, consecutive three-year period. If the Village Clerk determines that a registrant's renewal registration form is incomplete or does not comply with these Registration Rules, the Clerk shall give written notice to the registrant at the address specified in the renewal registration form submitted by such registrant, specifying the defect(s). The registrant shall be entitled to correct any defects and resubmit a new registration form within 30 days of receipt of the Clerk's notice. If all defects are not corrected within 30 days of the Interested Person's receipt of the Village Clerk's notice, the Interested Person's registration shall be terminated. Any Interested Person whose registration is terminated shall be entitled to register again as if a first-time registrant.
   (H)   Amendment to registration. An Interested Party may amend its registration by giving written notice to the Village Clerk by certified mail of any of the following: (i) change in address for notice purposes; (ii) in the case of organizations, a change in the name of the contact person; and (iii) a termination of registration. Upon receipt of such notice, the Clerk shall revise the applicable registry accordingly.
   (I)   Registries available for public inspection. Each registry shall be available for public inspection during normal business hours. The registry shall include the name, address and telephone number of each Interested Person and, for organizations, the name and phone number of a designated contact person.
   (J)   Notices to be sent to interested parties. Interested Parties shall be sent the following notices and any other notices required under the Act with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area:
      (1)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(a) of the Act, notice of the availability of a proposed redevelopment plan and eligibility report, including how to obtain this information, such notice shall be sent by mail within a reasonable period of time after the adoption of the ordinance fixing the public hearing for the proposed redevelopment plan;
      (2)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(a) of the Act, notice of changes to proposed redevelopment plans that do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed Redevelopment Project Area; (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan; (3) substantially change the nature of or extend the life of the redevelopment project; or (4) increase the number of low or very low income households to be displaced from the Redevelopment Project Area, provided that, measured from the time of creation of the Redevelop- ment Project Area, the total displacement of inhabited households will exceed ten; such notice shall be sent by mail not later than ten days following the village's adoption by ordinance of such changes;
      (3)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(d)(9) of the Act for redevelopment plans or projects that would result in the displacement of residents from ten or more inhabited residential units, or that contain 75 or more inhabited residential units, notice of the availability of the annual report described by ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(d), including how to obtain the annual report; such notice shall be sent by mail within a reasonable period of time after completion of the certified audit report;
      (4)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-6(e) of the Act, notice of the preliminary public meeting required under the Act for a proposed Redevelopment Project Area that will result in the displacement of ten or more inhabited residential units, or which will contain 75 or more inhabited residential units; such notice shall be sent by certified mail not less than 15 days before the date of such preliminary public meeting;
      (5)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-6(e) of the Act, notice of the preliminary public meeting required under the Act for a proposed Redevelopment Project Area that will result in the displacement of ten or more inhabited residential units, such notice will be sent by certified mail not less than 15 days before the date of such preliminary public meeting.
   (K)   Non-interference. These Registration Rules shall not be used to prohibit or otherwise interfere with the ability of eligible organizations and individuals to register for receipt of information to which they are entitled under the act.
   (L)   Amendment of Registration Rules. These Registration Rules maybe amended by the village, subject to and consistent with the requirements of the Act.
(Ord. 2001-04, passed 2-7-01)
Registration Rules. If you would like to register on the Interested Parties Registry for one or more tax increment financing (TIF) Redevelopment Project Area, please complete Part A of this form.
Registration for Organizations. If you would like to register on the Interested Parties Registry for one or more tax increment financing (TIF) Redevelopment Project Areas, please complete Part B of this form.
Street Address                                                                              
Zip Code                                                                        Home Telephone                                                                          
Fax Number                                                                   E-mail Address                                                                           
Please list the TIF(s) you are interested in below:
Organization Name
Contact Name
Street Address
City                                                                          State                                                          Zip Code                            
Telephone ( )       Fax ( )
E-mail address                                                                                                                                                                                 
Please list the TIF(s) you are interested in below:
Please return this form to:   TIF Interested Parties Registry
                  Village Clerk's Office
                  16033 South 94th Avenue
                  Orland Hills, IL 60477-4623
Signature/Title                                                                                                                           Date                                       
(Ord. 2001-04, passed 2-7-01)
Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-4.2 of the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-1, et seq. (the "Act"), the Village of Orland Hills (the "Village") is required to establish an Interested Parties Registry ("Registry" or "Registries") for each Tax Increment Financing ("TIF") Redevelopment Project Area created pursuant to the Act (a "Redevelopment Project Area") whether existing as of the date of this notice or hereafter established. On March 14, 2000, the village adopted an ordinance authorizing the establishment of Registries by the Village Clerk ("Clerk") and adopting Registration Rules for such Registries. The purpose of this notice is to inform Interested Parties of the Registries and Registration Rules for the Registries and to invite Interested Parties (as defined below) to register in the Registry for any Redevelopment Project Area.
Any individual or organization requiring information pertaining to activities within the Redevelopment Project Areas (an "Interested Party") is entitled to register in the Registry for any Redevelopment Project Area. Organizations include, but are not limited to, businesses, business organizations, civic groups, not-for-profit corporations and community organizations.
An organization seeking to register as an Interested Party with respect to a Redevelopment Project Area must also complete and submit a Registration Form to the Clerk.
Interested Party Registries are being established for the following TIF Redevelopment Project Areas, which have either been adopted by the village or which the village has decided to consider establishing:
All individuals and organizations whose Registration Forms comply with the Registration Rules, either in person or by mail, to the Village Clerk, located at 16033 South 94th Avenue, Orland Hills, Illinois 60477-4623, will be registered in the applicable Registry within ten (10) days of the Clerk's receipt of all such documents. The Clerk will provide written notice to the registrant confirming such registration. Upon registration, Interested Parties will be entitled to receive all notices and documents required to be delivered under the Act with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area. If the Clerk determines that a registrant's Registration Form is incomplete or does not comply with the Registration Rules adopted by the Village, the Clerk will give written notice to the registrant specifying the defects. The registrant will be entitled to correct any defects and resubmit a new Registration Form and supporting documentation. An Interested Party's registration will remain effective for a period of three years. Rules of the renewal and amendment of an Interested Party's registration are included with the Registration Form that may be obtained as described herein.
Each Registry will be available for public inspection at the office of the Clerk during normal business hours. The Registry will include the name, address and telephone number of each Interested Person and/or organizations, the name and phone number of a designated contact person.
Interested Parties will be sent the following notice and any other notices required under the Act with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area.
   (i)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(a) of the Act, notice of the availability of a proposed redevelopment plan and eligibility report, including how to obtain this information; such notice will be sent by mail within a reasonable period of time after the adoption of the ordinance fixing the public hearing for the proposed redevelopment plan;
   (ii)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-4(a) of the Act, notice of changes to proposed redevelopment plans that do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed development project areas; (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan; (3) substantially change the nature of or extend the life of the redevelopment project; or (4) increase the number of low or very low income households to be displaced from the Redevelopment Project Area, provided that, measured from the time of creation of the Redevelopment Project Area, the total displacement of inhabited households will exceed ten; such notice will be sent by mail not later than ten days following the Village's adoption by ordinance of such changes;
   (iii)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(c) of the Act, notice of amendments to previously approved redevelopment plans that do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the Redevelopment Project Area; (2) substantially affect the general land uses in the redevelopment plan; (3) substantially change the nature of the redevelopment project; (4) increase the total estimated redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan by more than 5% after adjustment for inflation from the date the plan was adopted; (5) add additional redevelopment project costs to the itemized list of redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan; or (6) increase the number of low or very low income households to be displaced from the Redevelopment Project Area, provided that measured from the time of creation of the Redevelopment Project Area the total displacement of inhabited households will exceed 10; such notice will be sent by mail not later than ten (10) days following the Village's adoption by ordinance of such amendment;
   (iv)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(d)(9) of the Act, for redevelopment plans or projects that would result in the displacement of residents from ten (10) or more inhabited residential units or that contain seventy-five (75) or more inhabited residential units, notice of the availability of this information, including how to obtain the report, required by ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-5(d) of the Act; such notice will be sent by mail within a reasonable period of time after completion of the certified audit report;
   (v)   Pursuant to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-74.4-6(e) of the Act, notice of the preliminary public meeting required under the Act for a proposed Redevelopment Project Area that will result in the displacement of ten (10) or more inhabited residential units, such notice will be sent by certified mail not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of such preliminary public meeting.
Registration Forms can be picked up at the office of the Village Clerk, 16033 South 94th Avenue, Orland Hills, Illinois 60477-4623.
Registration Forms can be obtained by Interested Parties in person or by their representatives.
Registration Forms will not be mailed or faxed. If you require additional information, please call the office of the Village Administrator at (708) 349-6666.
(Ord. 2001-04, passed 2-7-01)