(A)   Filing.
      (1)   After approval of the preliminary plan by the Village Board of Trustees and the fulfillment of the requirements of these regulations, a reproducible plan of the final plat of the subdivision shall be submitted to the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission for approval.
      (2)   When a final plat has been submitted to the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission with all satisfactory documents required, the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission shall approve the plat within 60 days from submission of last required document or within 60 days from the date of filing the application with the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission, whichever is later. Application for final approval of a plat shall be made not later than one year after preliminary approval has been granted.
      (3)   Except as otherwise specifically set forth in this chapter or in Chapter 159, when approval has been given a final plat by the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission, the President and Board of Trustees shall act upon the same within 30 days from date of approval by the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission or within 30 days from submission of any additional data required by the Board, whichever is latest.
      (4)   Upon approval of the final plat by the President and Board, the developer-owner shall record the plat with the County Recorder, Cook County, within three months after said approval. The original of the plat shall be delivered to, and become the property of, the village after recording. Upon failure to so record, the final plat shall automatically and without further notice be void.
   (B)   The final plat and accompanying documents shall contain the following:
      (1)   Identification and description.
         (a)   Name of subdivision.
         (b)   Location by township, section, town, and range, or by other legal description.
         (c)   Names of owners and certification by a licensed surveyor.
         (d)   Scale one inch to 50 feet or larger (shown graphically).
         (e)   Date.
         (f)   Northpoint.
      (2)   Delineation.
         (a)   Boundary of plat, based on an accurate traverse, with angles and lineal dimensions.
         (b)   Exact location, width, and name of all streets within and adjoining the plat, and the exact location and widths of all cross-walkways. Streets that are obviously in alignment with others already existing and named shall bear the names of the existing streets. Before the final plat for the subdivision shall be approved the subdivider shall submit to the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission a statement from the local postmaster approving the names of the proposed streets and of the proposed system of postal addresses along such streets.
         (c)   Before the final plat of any subdivided area shall be approved and recorded, the subdivider shall furnish profiles of all streets and alleys in the proposed subdivision, drawn to a horizontal scale of at least 50 feet to the inch and vertical scale of ten feet to the inch. Elevations shall be referred to a permanent recorded benchmark of the village datum. Street grades for major streets shall not exceed 5%.
         (d)   True angles and distances to the nearest established street lines or official monuments (not less than three) which shall be accurately described in the plat.
         (e)   Municipal, township, county, or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and angles.
         (f)   Radii, internal angles, points and curvatures, tangent bearings, and lengths of all arcs.
         (g)   All easements for rights-of-way provided for public services and utilities.
         (h)   All lot and block numbers with their respective lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths.
         (i)   1. An agreement that permanent monuments shall be placed at all corners and at points of tangency of curve lines along the boundary of the subdivision prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the village. Permanent monuments shall be of concrete with minimum dimensions of four inches by four inches at top, six inches by six inches at bottom, and 36 inches long with a brass dowel 3/8-inch in diameter, at least 2-½ inches in length, imbedded so that the top of the dowel shall be flush with the surface and at the center of the monument.
            2. All lot corners not marked by concrete monuments shall be marked by iron pipe or iron or steel bars at least 18 inches in length and not less than ½ inch in diameter. The top of the pipe or bar is to be visible above the established grade of the ground when occupancy occurs. Said pipe or bar shall also be flagged with two color stakes.
         (j)   Accurate outlines and legal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purposes indicated thereon, and of any area to be reserved by deed covenants for common uses of all property owners.
         (k)   Building setback lines accurately shown by dimensions which shall not be less than required by Chapter 159.
         (l)   Protective covenants which meet with the approval of the Village President and Board of Trustees may be lettered on the final plat.
         (m)   Certification by a registered surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him and that monuments and markers shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
         (n)   Notarized certification, by owner or owners, or by mortgage holder on record, of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of streets and other public areas.
         (o)   Proper form for the approval of the Village Board with space for signatures, of the Village President and Village Clerk, proper form for the approval of the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission with space for the signature of the Commission Chairperson, and approval by signature of the Village Engineer. This approval of the final plat shall not be deemed to constitute or effect an acceptance by the public of the dedication of any street or other proposed public way or space shown on the plat.
         (p)   Engineering plans and specifications as required by §§ 156.50 through 156.57.
(Ord. 77-05, passed 4-6-77; Am. Ord. 95-06, passed 4-10-95)