(EDITOR'S NOTE: The provisions of Rule XIV , are also contained in Ordinance 126- 1960, passed October 10, 1960, as amended by ordinance 20-1961, passed February 27, 1961.)
   Section 1.    No officer or employee in the classified service of the City shall directly or indirectly, orally or by letter, solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription or contribution for any political party or for any candidate for public office; nor shall any person solicit directly or indirectly, orally or by letter, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any such assessment, contribution or payment from any officer or employee in the classified service of the City; nor shall any officer or employee in the classified service of the City be an officer in any political organization or take part in politics other than to vote as they please and to express freely his political opinions. (Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 2.    No person or officer shall willfully or corruptly by themself or in cooperation with one or more persons, defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in respect to their right of examination, appointment or employment according to the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City, the ordinances of the City or the applicable laws of Ohio; or willfully or corruptly, falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered or certified pursuant to such Rules and Regulations, ordinances or laws or aid in so doing; or willfully or corruptly make any false representations concerning the same, or concerning the person examined; or willfully or corruptly furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, registered or certified, or to be examined, registered or certified; or personate any other person, or permit or aid in any manner any person to personate them, in connection with any examination, registration, appointment, application or request to be examined, registered or appointed; or shall furnish any false information about themself or any other person in connection with any examination registration, appointment, application or request to be examined, registered or appointed.
(Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 3.    No applicant for appointment or promotion in the classified service of the City shall, directly or indirectly, pay or promise to pay any money or other valuable thing, nor shall they ask or receive any recommendation or assistance from any person upon the consideration of any political service to be rendered, for or on account of his appointment or promotion, or proposed appointment or promotion. (Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 4.    No officer or employee of the City shall appoint, promote, reduce, suspend, lay off, discharge or in any manner change the official rank or compensation of any officer or employee in the classified service thereof, or promise or threaten to do so, for giving, withholding or neglecting to make any contribution of money or other valuable thing for any party or political purpose, or for refusal or neglect to render any party or political service.
   Section 5.    No person who holds any public office, or who has been nominated for, or who seeks a nomination or appointment to any public office, shall corruptly use or promise to use, either directly or indirectly, any official authority or influence in order to secure or aid any person in securing for themself or another any office or employment in the classified service of the City, or any promotion or increase in salary therein, as a reward for political influence or service; nor shall any person, by means of threats or coercion, induce or seek to induce anyone in such classified service to resign their position or to waive their right to certification, appointment or promotion. (Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 6.    After the adoption of this Rule XIV , no person shall make an appointment to an office or select a person for employment in the classified service of the City contrary to this Rule or willfully refuse or neglect to comply with or to conform to this Rule, or willfully violate any of its sections. If any person in the classified service of the City is convicted of violating an ordinance of the City or law of the State prohibiting the conduct or activities prescribed by this Rule, the office or position held by such person, shall, by virtue of such conviction be rendered vacant.