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Oregon Overview
Codified Ordinances of Oregon, OH
TITLE ONE - General Provisions
TITLE THREE - Legislative
TITLE FIVE - Administrative
CHAPTER 121 Mayor
CHAPTER 122 City Administrator
CHAPTER 123 Director of Finance
CHAPTER 125 Treasurer
CHAPTER 127 Department of Law
CHAPTER 129 Department of Public Service
CHAPTER 130 Department of Public Safety
CHAPTER 131 Division of Police
CHAPTER 133 Division of Fire
CHAPTER 135 Division of Inspection
CHAPTER 137 Division of Water and Wastewater Treatment
CHAPTER 139 Division of Maintenance
CHAPTER 141 Division of Cemeteries
CHAPTER 143 Department of Budget
CHAPTER 145 Department of Recreation
CHAPTER 149 Civil Service Commission
CHAPTER 151 Planning Commission
CHAPTER 153 Board of Health
CHAPTER 155 Parks and Recreation Department
CHAPTER 157 Citizen's Advisory Health and Welfare Committee
CHAPTER 158 Tree Commission
CHAPTER 165 Compensation
CHAPTER 167 Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Section 1. Purpose and Scope of Rules.
Section 2. Waiver of Rules.
Section 3. Inspection of Records.
Section 1. Chairman of the Commission.
Section 2. Secretary of the Commission.
Section 2a. Personnel.
Section 3. Special Examiners.
Section 4. Meetings.
Section 5. Official Roster.
Section 6. Division of Duties.
Section 1. Classified Service.
Section 2. Conformance to Class Duties.
Section 3. Amending Official Classification.
Section 3a. Periodic Investigation of Classification.
Section 4. Unclassified Service.
Section 1. Necessity and Practicability.
Section 2. Types of Examinations.
Section 3. Exemption From Competitive Examination.
Section 4. Character of Examination.
Section 5. Parts of Examinations.
Section 6. Passing Grade
Section 6.1. Review of Examination by Applicants.
Section 7. Notice of Open Competitive Examination.
Section 8. Notice of Promotional Examination.
Section 9. Additional Advertising.
Section 10. Application From Employees.
Section 11. Age Limits for Police Positions.
Section 1. How Composed.
Section 2. Combined Lists.
Section 3. Removal From List.
Section 4. Errors or Fraud in Examination.
Section 5. Veterans' Preference.
Section 1. Requisitions.
Section 2. Requisition by Sex.
Section 3a. Action Upon Requisition.
Section 3b. Action Upon Requisition for Position of Patrol Officer.
Section 3c. Action Upon Requisition for Position of Firefighter 2 (Paramedic).
Section 4. Certification of Less Than Ten.
Section 5. Number of Times Certified.
Section 6. Objection By Appointing Authority.
Section 7. Notice to Eligibles Certified.
Section 8. Time to Communicate.
Section 9. Waiver of Certification.
Section 10. Time For Selection.
Section 11. Time of Acceptance or Rejection.
Section 12. Rejection of Appointment.
Section 13. Duties Must Conform to Title.
Section 14. Probationary Period.
Section 15. Restoration to Eligible List.
Section 1. Provisional Appointments.
Section 2. Termination of Provisional Appointment.
Section 3. Provisional Appointment Limit.
Section 4. Emergency Appointments.
Section 5. Temporary Service For Definite Time.
Section 6. Certification For Temporary Appointment.
Section 7. Effect of Temporary Employment.
Section 8. Notice of Temporary Appointments.
Section 9. Substitute Employees.
Section 1. Definition.
Section 2. Procedure for Promotion.
Section 3. Promotions in Police Division.
Section 4. Period For Eligibility.
Section 5. Positions Requiring Special Qualifications.
Section 6. Eligibility By Reason of Experience.
Section 7. Basic Requirements.
Section 8. Examinations and Personnel Records.
Section 9. Application For Promotional Examinations.
Section 10. Grading and Seniority Credits for Promotion.
Section 11. Promotional Appointment.
Section 1. Procedure.
Section 2. Salary Increase Limit.
Section 3. Reinstatements and Special Certifications.
Section 4. Re-established Position.
Section 5. Change From Classified to Unclassified.
Section 6. Leave of Absence.
Section 7. Absence From Duty Without Leave.
Section 8. Restoration of Veterans.
Section 9. Transfer For Physical Disability.
Section 1. Discrimination Prohibited.
Section 3. Grounds for Removal. Suspension or Reduction.
Section 4. Procedure.
Section 5. Order Involving Police or Fire Division Employees.
Section 6. Suspension For Not More Than Three Days.
Section 7. Voluntary Reductions.
Section 1. Reduction in Personnel.
Section 2. Order of Layoffs.
Section 3. Displacement Rights.
Section 4. Reemployment After Layoff.
Section 1. Appeals.
Section 2. Hearing on Appeal.
Section 3. Appeal to Common Pleas Court.
Section 4. Effect of Resignation.
Section 5. Administering oaths. Subpoena Powers.
Section 1. Approval.
Section 2. Disapproved Items.
Section 1. How Made.
Section 2. Publication.
Section 1. Saving Clause.
CHAPTER 169 General Requirements
CHAPTER 173 Bonds
CHAPTER 175 Benefits
CHAPTER 177 Payments To Contractors
CHAPTER 179 Deposits and Investments
CHAPTER 180 Contracts Generally
TITLE SEVEN - Judicial
TITLE NINE - Taxation
Section 1. Procedure.
   Transfer of a person holding a position in the classified service who has served the required probationary term, may be made by the appointing authority as follows:
   (a)    Without notice to the Commission: for a period not exceeding thirty days, from one position to a similar position of the same class, grade and character of work and having the same pay, within a department.
   (b)    Upon notice to the Commission: from a position in one department to a position having the same pay and similar duties in another department, provided evidence of approval by the employee concerned accompanies such notice to the Commission.
   (c)   With the consent of the Commission: to a position with comparable duties and pay, or less, where the good of the service demands.
      (Amended 7-15-80)
Section 2. Salary Increase Limit.
   No person transferred from one position to another in the classified service shall receive an increase in the salary specified for such latter position for a period of ninety days from and after the date of such transfer, unless approved by the Commission except as superseded by a collective bargaining unit agreement.
(Amended 12-2-86.)
Section 3. Reinstatements and Special Certifications.
   Any permanent employee in the classified service of the City who has been separated from the service for reasons other than those specified in Section 3 of Rule XI, for a period of not more than six months from the effective date of separation, including but not limited to employees whose positions have been abolished, but excluding employees laid off as covered by Rule XII , may be specially certified to the appointing authority without regard to the provisions of Rule VII, Section 3 for appointment to the same position, or in the discretion of the Commission, may be specially certified with and in addition to other eligibles certified pursuant to Rule VII, Section 3 .
      Certification in accordance with this section, unless resulting in appointment to a permanent position shall not prejudice the employee's right, if any, to reappointment to their former position. In the event any employee so certified shall not be reappointed, they may be specially certified for appointment twice thereafter, but shall not again be certified for any position to which they have declined appointment.
   Any employee whose certification in accordance with this section results in appointment to a permanent position shall be accorded seniority and credits for promotion from the time of reappointment when the separation from the service has been by resignation.
(Amended 6-15-82; 7-27-22.) 
Section 4. Re-established Position.
   Should a position in the classified service of the City once abolished be recreated or re- established within one year, the last permanently appointed incumbent of such position shall, upon his request, except as provided in Section 3 of this Rule X, be reinstated therein.
Section 5. Change From Classified to Unclassified.
   Whenever any position in the classified service is placed in the unclassified service, the name of the incumbent of such position, if they are a regular and permanently appointed employee, shall be eligible for special certification as provided in Section 3 of this Rule X.
(Amended 7-27-22)
Section 6. Leave of Absence.
   With the consent of the Commission, the appointing authority may grant leave of absence to any employee permanently appointed to a position in the classified service, for a period of not more than one year (Form No. 8). The resulting vacancy shall be filled by temporary appointments made as provided in Section 5 of Rule VIII, or if no person on the appropriate eligible list wishes to accept such appointment, by provisional appointment made under Section 1 of Rule VIII.
Section 7. Absence From Duty Without Leave. 
   Any employee who is absent from duty without leave, or who fails to report after a leave of absence has expired, or fails to report after disapproval, revocation or cancellation of a leave of absence by the Commission, may be discharged therefor. An absence from duty without leave for ten consecutive days shall be deemed a resignation from the service. Upon notification of such ten days absence, the Commission shall enter the resignation of the employee. upon its records. If within ten days after such entry of resignation or, in the case of a discharge by reason of violation of this section within such time as the Commission may allow, the employee concerned satisfactorily explains such violation, the Commission may order his reinstatement.
Section 8. Restoration of Veterans.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: The provisions of this section were repealed February 21, 1978.)
Section 9. Transfer For Physical Disability.
   When an employee becomes physically incapacitated for the performance of the duties of any position, the appointing authority may, with the consent of the Commission, transfer them to a vacant position in a lower grade which they have the ability to fill.
(Amended 7-27-22)
Section 1. Discrimination Prohibited.
No person in the classified service of the City shall be reduced in pay or position, suspended, discharged or otherwise discriminated against by an appointing authority because of age, race, sex, religion, physical handicap, national origin or ancestry, or for political reasons or affiliations.
(Amended 12-2-86.)
   Section 2. Tenure of Employment.
   The tenure of every employee in the classified service of the City shall be during good behavior and efficient service, subject to such rules and regulations as may be established in the City for retirement on account of age.
(Amended 6-2-66.)
Section 3. Grounds for Removal. Suspension or Reduction.
   Except as to a member of the Police and Fire Divisions of the City, any employee in the classified service of the City may be reduced, suspended or discharged by the appointing authority in the manner provided in this rule for incompetency, inefficiency, dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, neglect of duty, violation of law, the rules of the Commission or of a City department, any other failure of good behavior, any other misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of his duties.
(Amended 8-6-74; 12-2-86.)
Section 4. Procedure.
   Except as to a member of the Police and Fire Divisions of the City, when an employee in the classified service of the City other than a temporary employee, whether appointed for a definite term or otherwise, is reduced in pay or position, suspended or discharged, the appointing authority shall furnish such employee with a copy of the order of reduction, discharge or suspension which order shall state the specification of facts with sufficient clarity to enable the employee to make an explanation. A copy of such order shall be filed concurrently with the Commission at the time of presentation to the employee. The employee shall thereafter be afforded a reasonable time, not to exceed five calendar days, in which to file an explanation with the appointing authority. Within three days after the date of filing of such an explanation with the appointing authority, the same shall be filed with the Commission by the appointing authority, and if no explanation has been filed by the employee, a statement to this effect shall be filed in lieu thereof with the Commission.
(Amended 8-6-74.)
Section 5. Order Involving Police or Fire Division Employees.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: The procedure for handling disciplinary problems in the Police and Fire Divisions as contained in this Section 5 was adopted by Council in ordinance 58-1974, passed April 22, 1974.)
   As to members of the Police and Fire Divisions of the City, the Chiefs of the Divisions of Police and Fire shall have the exclusive right to suspend any of the officers or employees in their respective divisions for incompetence, gross neglect of duty, gross immorality, habitual drunkenness, failure to obey orders given by the proper authority, or for any other just or reasonable cause. If any officer or employee is suspended, as herein provided, the chief of the division concerned shall forthwith in writing, certify the fact together with the cause for suspension to the Mayor. Within five work days from the receipt thereof, the Mayor shall proceed to inquire into the cause of such suspension and render judgment, which if the charges are sustained, may be suspension, reduction in rank or dismissal. Such judgment in the matter shall be final, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. In any such investigation, the Mayor shall have the same power to administer oaths and secure the attendance of witnesses and production of documents as is conferred upon Council.
(Amended 3-25-82; 12-2-86.)
Section 6. Suspension For Not More Than Three Days.
   Except as to members of the Police and Fire Division, the appointing authority may suspend an employee in the classified service without pay for disciplinary purposes for a reasonable period, for not more than three days without compliance with the provisions of this Rule XI . Consecutive suspensions for disciplinary purposes under this section shall not be permitted beyond such three-day period.
(Amended 9-27-78.)
Section 7. Voluntary Reductions.
   In the event an employee holding a permanent appointment to a position in the classified service or occupying a supervisory position in the unclassified service of the City applies for appointment to a position in the classified service lower in grade and carrying a lesser rate of compensation than his present employment and no eligibility list has been established for such position, the Commission may, if it finds such employee to be qualified therefor, certify such employee to the appointing authority for appointment to such lower classified position without regard to the provisions of Rule VII, Section 3 .
   If an eligibility list is in existence for the lower classified position, the Commission may specially certify such employee for appointment thereto with and in addition to other eligibles certified pursuant to Rule VII, Section 3 .
(Amended 6-2-66.)
Section 1. Reduction in Personnel.
   Whenever it becomes necessary to reduce the number of employees in any classification in any division or department of the City, the appointing authority shall have the power to designate the classifications, divisions and departments to be affected by such layoffs.
(Added 6-15-82.)
Section 2. Order of Layoffs.
   Except where covered by collective bargaining agreement, whenever it becomes necessary to reduce the number of employees in any classification in any division or department of the City, the appointing authority shall lay off employees in the following order:
    (a)    Casual and seasonal employees
    (b)    Temporary employees
    (c)    Provisional employees
    (d)    Probationary employees
    (e)    Regular permanent part-time employees
    (f)    Permanent employees
   The order of layoffs within each of the above groups of employees shall be determined by the appointing authority by seniority as a continuous City employee.
(Amended 12-2-86.)
Section 3. Displacement Rights.
   Any employee affected by layoff under Section 1 or 2 of this Rule XII shall have the right to displace another employee in their classification or any classification prerequisite to promotion to their classification who has the least seniority, lesser than their own, as a continuous City employee.
(Added 6-15-82; 7-27-22.)
   If an employee is laid off, due to any union bidding, prior to completion of their 90 day probation, the employee shall be restored to their original position on the eligibility list from whence they came and shall be certified when a position becomes available until such list expires without renewal. (Added 4-19-88; 7-27-22.)
Section 4. Reemployment After Layoff.
   The names of persons holding permanent positions in any classification in any division or department of the City, which persons have been laid off in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 and 2 of this Rule XII, shall be placed on a layoff list established by the Commission. Such persons shall be eligible for certification and reemployment for a period of three years thereafter in the classification last held or in any classification prerequisite to such classification. The most senior employee in a classification or a prerequisite classification shall be rehired first.
   In rehiring employees who have been laid off three years or less, the order of rehiring shall be determined by seniority as a continuous City employee.
   During this three-year period the appointing authority shall not hire nor promote anyone into a classification where layoffs have occurred until all laid off employees have been reinstated or have declined the position when it is offered.
(Added 6-15-82.)
Section 1. Appeals.
   (a)    Except as to a member of the Police and Fire Divisions of the City, an employee in the classified service against whom action has been taken under Sections 3 and 4 of Rule XI, may appeal to the Commission from the order of the appointing authority. Such appeal must be filed with the Commission within twenty-one calendar days from the date upon which the appointing authority furnished the employee with a copy of the order of reduction, suspension or discharge. Upon the filing of the appeal, the Commission shall hear, or appoint a trial board to hear, the appeal within thirty calendar days from the date of filing of the appeal, and it may affirm, disaffirm or modify the judgment of the appointing authority. Notice of hearing shall be given to the employee and to the appointing authority not less than twenty days prior to the date of the hearing. For good cause shown, the date of hearing may be continued or postponed, or the hearing may be adjourned as the Commission, in its discretion, may determine.
   (b)    A member of the Police and Fire Divisions of the City against whom action has been taken under Section 5 of Rule XI, may appeal to the Commission from the judgment of the Mayor. The appeal procedure shall be the same as described in Sections l (a), 2 , 3 and 4 of this Rule XIII.
(Amended 3-25-82; 12-2-86.)
   (c)   In order to reaffirm its prior decision, and in accordance with Ordinance 23- 1996 passed February 12, 1996, the Civil Service Commission will not take jurisdiction over any disciplinary, suspension or removal appeal hearings from any school board personnel.
(Added 4-27-99.)
Section 2. Hearing on Appeal.
   In all hearings on appeal conducted by the Commission:
   (a)    The Commission shall confine its consideration to the specific facts set forth in the order from which the appeal is taken, and no substantial amendments of, or additions to, the charges or specifications therein will be permitted or considered by the Commission;
   (b)    The order of procedure shall be as follows:
      (1)    The appointing authority shall adduce their evidence in support of the charges and specifications;
      (2)   The employee shall then produce such evidence as they may wish to offer in defense of such charges;
      (3)    The appointing authority may offer evidence in rebuttal;
       (4)    The Commission may, in its discretion, hear arguments.
   (c)    The production of evidence on the hearing of appeals and the determination and decision thereof shall be governed by the rules of evidence or proof applied by the courts in civil cases. The appellee and the appellant may be represented by counsel. (Amended 6-22-66; 7-27-22.)
   Section 3.    Appeal to Common Pleas Court.
   After the hearing provided in Section 2 of this Rule XIII, an appeal may be taken from the finding of the Commission to the Common Pleas Court of Lucas County, Ohio, as provided by law. (Amended 6-2-66.)
Section 3. Appeal to Common Pleas Court.
   After the hearing provided in Section 2 of this Rule XIII, an appeal may be taken from the finding of the Commission to the Common Pleas Court of Lucas County, Ohio, as provided by law.
(Amended 6-2-66.)
Section 4. Effect of Resignation.
   The acceptance by an appointing authority of the resignation of an employee reduced, suspended or discharged before final action by the Commission will be considered a withdrawal of any charges then pending against such employee and any proceedings pending before the Commission relating to such charges shall thereupon be dismissed.
(Amended 6-2- 66.)
Section 5. Administering oaths. Subpoena Powers.
   Any Commission member or the executive head of the Commission staff shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations to witnesses and to take testimony concerning any matter which the Commission has authority to investigate.
   The Commission shall have the power to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents pertinent to the investigation.
(Added 2-21-78.)
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: The provisions of Rule XIV , are also contained in Ordinance 126- 1960, passed October 10, 1960, as amended by ordinance 20-1961, passed February 27, 1961.)
   Section 1.    No officer or employee in the classified service of the City shall directly or indirectly, orally or by letter, solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription or contribution for any political party or for any candidate for public office; nor shall any person solicit directly or indirectly, orally or by letter, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any such assessment, contribution or payment from any officer or employee in the classified service of the City; nor shall any officer or employee in the classified service of the City be an officer in any political organization or take part in politics other than to vote as they please and to express freely his political opinions. (Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 2.    No person or officer shall willfully or corruptly by themself or in cooperation with one or more persons, defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in respect to their right of examination, appointment or employment according to the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City, the ordinances of the City or the applicable laws of Ohio; or willfully or corruptly, falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered or certified pursuant to such Rules and Regulations, ordinances or laws or aid in so doing; or willfully or corruptly make any false representations concerning the same, or concerning the person examined; or willfully or corruptly furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, registered or certified, or to be examined, registered or certified; or personate any other person, or permit or aid in any manner any person to personate them, in connection with any examination, registration, appointment, application or request to be examined, registered or appointed; or shall furnish any false information about themself or any other person in connection with any examination registration, appointment, application or request to be examined, registered or appointed.
(Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 3.    No applicant for appointment or promotion in the classified service of the City shall, directly or indirectly, pay or promise to pay any money or other valuable thing, nor shall they ask or receive any recommendation or assistance from any person upon the consideration of any political service to be rendered, for or on account of his appointment or promotion, or proposed appointment or promotion. (Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 4.    No officer or employee of the City shall appoint, promote, reduce, suspend, lay off, discharge or in any manner change the official rank or compensation of any officer or employee in the classified service thereof, or promise or threaten to do so, for giving, withholding or neglecting to make any contribution of money or other valuable thing for any party or political purpose, or for refusal or neglect to render any party or political service.
   Section 5.    No person who holds any public office, or who has been nominated for, or who seeks a nomination or appointment to any public office, shall corruptly use or promise to use, either directly or indirectly, any official authority or influence in order to secure or aid any person in securing for themself or another any office or employment in the classified service of the City, or any promotion or increase in salary therein, as a reward for political influence or service; nor shall any person, by means of threats or coercion, induce or seek to induce anyone in such classified service to resign their position or to waive their right to certification, appointment or promotion. (Amended 7-27-22)
   Section 6.    After the adoption of this Rule XIV , no person shall make an appointment to an office or select a person for employment in the classified service of the City contrary to this Rule or willfully refuse or neglect to comply with or to conform to this Rule, or willfully violate any of its sections. If any person in the classified service of the City is convicted of violating an ordinance of the City or law of the State prohibiting the conduct or activities prescribed by this Rule, the office or position held by such person, shall, by virtue of such conviction be rendered vacant.
Section 1. Approval.
   All payrolls for employees in the classified service shall be submitted for the Commission's approval and verification.
   Payrolls when verified by the Commission shall be stamped as follows and shall be forwarded to the proper disbursing officer for payment:
   "This certifies that the persons in the classified service named on this payroll have been regularly appointed, promoted, reduced, suspended or laid off, or are being employed in pursuance of Ohio R.C. Chapter 124, the City Charter and the Rules and Regulations adopted by this Commission, except as indicated by note of disapproval in this certificate. "
Disapproved ________________________________________
   Date _________________________________________
      By _____________________________________
Section 2. Disapproved Items. 
   No salary or compensation listed on any payroll which is disapproved by the Commission shall be paid by the disbursing officer of the City until approved by the Commission.
Section 1. How Made.
   These Rules, or any part thereof, may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the Commission provided only that the proposed amendments be placed upon the minutes of the Commission at least one week prior to their adoption, and unless otherwise provided therein, shall become effective upon adoption thereof.
Section 2. Publication.
   These Rules and Regulations and all amendments thereto shall be on file and available for public inspection at the office of the Commission. The Commission may provide for printing, publication and posting of copies thereof as it deems necessary in the public interest.
Section 1. Saving Clause. 
   Should any section, clause or provision of these Rules and Regulations or any amendment thereto be declared by the courts to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of such Rules and Regulations or amendment as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the section, clause or provision so declared to be invalid.