(a)   In accordance with the following and other applicable provisions of the Codified Ordinances, the Charter and laws of the City, the Parks and Recreation Director shall adopt rules and regulations to carry out the principles hereinafter set forth.
   (b)   To improve the quality of life of all Oregon residents by providing or causing to provide, a wide variety of leisure and cultural activities, facilities and services that encourage positive community involvement. Utmost consideration to be given to the emotional and physical well being of our citizens. To lead, by example, in demonstrating fair play, honesty and sportsmanship in every endeavor and to create community unity and pride.
   (c)    As to the participant, to deal justly and considerately; to respect the participant's right to form his own judgment; to maintain the confidentiality of personal information except where its disclosure is required by law; to prevent all officials from commenting unprofessionally about a participant's person or performance; to prevent the abuse of the position of a member of the Board; to maintain and improve the quality of programs and activities conducted or sponsored by the City.
   (d)    As to the people of the City, to insure the maximum practical spectator
participation; to insure public notice of and input into actions of the Director, to regularly
monitor programs to insure that appropriate standards are met, to maximize the intended use of facilities under the supervision of the Parks and Recreation Director; and to maintain the functional integrity of the program from undesirable infringement.
   (e)   As to the Mayor and Council, to conduct all business of the Board in a manner consistent with good parliamentary procedure, decorum and law; to avoid conflicts of interest in the adoption and implementation of Board policy; to maintain the integrity of confidential information; to maintain suitable records of all official actions including, but not limited to denials of participation, discipline and related matters; to insure prompt action on all charges, inquiries and decisions.
(Ord. 2-1994. Passed 1-10-94.)