Within thirty days after the public hearing as required by Section 1111.07, or any recessed session, Council shall either adopt or deny the recommendation of the Planning Commission or adopt some modification thereof. No such ordinance, measure, or regulation which violates, differs from, or departs from the plan or report submitted by the commission, board, or officer shall take effect unless passed or approved by not less than three-fourths of the membership of the legislative authority.
   No ordinance, measure or regulation which is in accordance with the Planning Commission recommendation shall pass or take effect without the concurrence of at least a majority vote of the members elected to Council.
   No ordinance shall be passed unless it has been fully and distinctly read on three days, except as provided for in Article III  Section 9 of the Charter and Section 111.09 of the Administrative Code.
(Ord. 87-1998. Passed 4-27-98.)