(a) No owner shall allow or permit his dog to commit a nuisance on any public property or any improved private property other than that of the owner or person who has accepted custody of such dog, provided that the foregoing shall not apply to street gutters.
(Ord. 83-1968. Passed 5-28-68.)
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(a) No person shall keep or harbor any dog within the Municipality which, by frequent and habitual barking, howling or yelping, creates unreasonably loud and disturbing noises of such a character, intensity and duration as to disturb the peace, quiet and good order of the Municipality. Any person who shall allow any dog habitually to remain, be lodged or fed within any dwelling, building, yard or enclosure, which he occupies or owns, shall be considered as harboring such dog.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(a) Whenever any person is bitten by a dog or other animal, report of such bite shall be made to the Health Commissioner within twenty-four hours. Whenever it is reported to the Health Commissioner that any dog or cat has bitten a person, that dog or cat shall be quarantined under an order issued by the Health Commissioner. The dog or cat shall be quarantined by its owner or by a harborer, or shall be quarantined in a pound or kennel. In all cases, such quarantine shall be under the supervision of the Health Commissioner and shall be at the expense of the owner or harborer. Quarantine shall continue until the Health Commissioner determines that the dog or cat is not afflicted with rabies. The quarantine period hereby required shall not be less than ten days from the date on which the person was bitten. If at any time during the quarantine, the Health Commissioner requires the dog or cat to be examined for symptoms of rabies, then the examination shall be by a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine. The veterinarian shall report to the Health Commissioner the conclusions reached as a result of the examinations. The examination by a veterinarian shall be at the expense of the owner or harborer. No dog or cat shall be released from the required quarantine unless and until it has been properly vaccinated against rabies.
No person shall fail to comply with the requirements of this section or with any order of the Health Commissioner made pursuant thereto, nor fail to immediately report to the Health Commissioner any symptoms or behavior suggestive of rabies.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(a) No person shall hunt or trap any wild bird or wild quadruped within the limits of the City except in such areas as designated in subsections (c), (f), and (g) hereof. For purposes of this section, "hunting" means pursuing, shooting, killing, following after or on the trail of, lying in wait for, shooting at, or wounding wild birds or wild quadrupeds whether such acts result in killing or wounding or not. For purposes of this section, "trapping" means securing or attempting to secure possession of a wild bird or wild quadruped by means of setting, placing, drawing, or using any device that is designed to close upon, hold fast, confine, or otherwise capture a wild bird or wild quadruped whether such means result in such capturing or not.
(b) Nothing herein shall preclude or prohibit the capture and/or the disposal of wild pigeons, starlings, dangerous animals or birds, pests or vermin that are a threat to persons or property and the subsequent destruction of the same by proper and humane methods, provided that such trapping, capture and destruction is accomplished in compliance with such rules and regulations of this section and the State of Ohio.
(c) Hunting is permitted in that portion of the City lying easterly of a line commencing at a point at the south City limits and South Coy Road, then in a northerly direction to Brown Road, then in an easterly direction to South Lallendorf Road, then in a northerly direction to Navarre Avenue, then, in an easterly direction to South Wynn Road, then in a northerly direction to Starr Avenue, then in a westerly direction to South and North Lallendorf Roads, then in a northerly direction to Cedar Point Road, then in an easterly direction to North Wynn Road, then in a northerly direction to Jacobs Road (Eagles Landing Drive) - Section 24 - and Grissel in the South Shore Park Area, then in an easterly direction to Lagundovie Road, then in a northerly direction to Bay Shore Road, then in an easterly direction to the easterly City limits, then south along the easterly City limit line to the south City limits, then west along the southerly City limit line to a point of beginning, in the City of Oregon, Lucas County, Ohio.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm within four hundred (400) feet of any structure without the prior permission of the landowner or tenant, or to shoot from, on, across, or along a public road or highway.
(e) It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt or trap upon the lands of another without obtaining written permission from the landowner or the landowner’s authorized agent.
(f) Archery hunting is permitted, in addition to the area defined by subsection (c) hereof, on any single parcel of land in the City which is at least five (5) acres in area. For purposes of this section, "archery" means use of longbow, crossbow, recurve, or compound bow.
(g) Trapping will be permitted in the City of Oregon with the following restrictions:
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to use a trap for the purpose of capturing wild birds or wild quadrupeds which may cause death or injury to persons, domestic or wild animals (live box traps and snare traps are permitted).
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to set or use a trap to capture wild birds or wild quadrupeds unless such trap has attached thereto a durable waterproof tag bearing the name and mailing address of the user in English letters legible at all times, or which has the name and mailing address of the user stamped into such trap in English letters legible at all times.
(3) All traps must be checked at least every twenty-four (24) hours.
(4) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess such live-trapped animals longer than sixty-five (65) days from the time of capture.
(h) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 111-1997. Passed 5-27-97.)
(a) No person shall dye or otherwise color any rabbit or baby poultry, including, but not limited to, chicks and ducklings. No person shall sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, raffle or give away any rabbit or poultry which has been dyed or otherwise colored. No poultry younger than four weeks of age may be sold, given away or otherwise distributed to any person in lots of less than three. Stores, shops, vendors and others offering young poultry for sale or other distribution shall provide and operate brooders or other heating devices that may be necessary to maintain poultry in good health, and shall keep adequate food and water available to the poultry at all times.
(ORC 925.62)
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(a) The owner or keeper of any member of a species of the animal kingdom that escapes from his custody or control and that is not indigenous to this State or presents a risk of serious physical harm to persons or property, or both, shall, within one hour after he discovers or reasonably should have discovered the escape, report it to:
(1) A law enforcement officer of the Municipality and the sheriff of the county where the escape occurred; and
(2) The Clerk of the Municipal Legislative Authority.
(b) If the office of the Clerk of the Legislative Authority is closed to the public at the time a report is required by subsection (a) hereof, then it is sufficient compliance with subsection (a) hereof if the owner or keeper makes the report within one hour after the office is next open to the public.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(ORC 2927.21)