(a)   Application, Administrative Review and Approval of Signage Proposals.
      (1)   When any person other than the owner of the property submits a sign application to the Building Commissioner, the owner of the property or a designated agent for the owner shall also sign such application.
      (2)   All proposed signs requiring a permit as set forth in Section 1161.16(b), except for instructional signs, shall be reviewed administratively by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Architectural Board of Review for compliance with the design criteria, construction standards, maintenance and all other applicable regulations in this chapter.
      (3)   Instructional signs shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Commissioner unless the Building Commissioner refers such sign(s) to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and counsel.
      (4)   Proposed signs approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Architectural Board of Review will receive a sign permit from the Building Commissioner.
   (b)   Schedule 1161.16 - Administrative Requirements.
Schedule 1161.16
Administrative Requirements
Sign Type
Sign Permit
Sign Permit
Not Required
Building, Permanent
Construction - Residential
Construction - Non-Residential
Freestanding, Permanent
Window, Permanent
Window, Temporary
Temporary - Non Window - Residential
Temporary - Non-Window - Non- Residential
   (c)   Sign Plan. For multi-tenant buildings and development projects with multiple buildings, the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve basic sign parameters that set forth the location, size and style of each tenant or building sign. Such sign parameters may be established when the Planning and Zoning Commission reviews development plans for new buildings or at the time that a specific sign application is made for a sign for an existing building. Whenever the Planning and Zoning Commission has approved such sign parameters, the Building Commissioner shall be authorized to review and approve any subsequent sign application submitted for a tenant of the development or building(s) that complies with such sign parameters.
   (d)   Status of Prior Violations. All violations of the sign regulations repealed by the adoption of this Zoning Code shall remain violations and all penalties and enforcement remedies set forth herein shall be available to the Village as though the violation were a violation of this Zoning Code. However, if this Zoning Code makes a sign, that was formerly unlawful or non-conforming, to become lawful and/or conforming, then no enforcement action shall be taken except for the imposition and collection of penalties for the violations that occurred prior to the effective date of this Zoning Code or amendment that made the sign conforming and/or lawful.
(Ord. 2016-24. Passed 2-8-17.)