The following regulations shall control the computation and measurement of sign area, sign height, window area and building frontage:
   (a)   Determining Sign Area or Dimension of Signs.
      (1)   The sign area shall include the face of all display area(s) of the sign. The sign area shall include the frame and structural support unless such structural support is determined to be an architectural or site feature as defined in Section 1161.03(a). Architectural features that are either part of the building or part of a freestanding structure are not considered signs and are this exempt from these regulations.
      (2)   For a sign that is framed, outlined, painted or otherwise prepared and intended to provide a background for a sign display, the area of the sign shall be the area of not more than three (3) regular geometric shapes that encompass the entire area of the sign including the background or frame.
      (3)   For a sign comprised of individual letters, figures or elements on a wall or similar surface of a building or structure, or an irregularly shaped freestanding sign, the area of the sign shall be the area of not more than three (3) regular geometric shapes that encompass the perimeter of all of the elements of the display.
         A.   When separate elements are organized to form a single sign, but the elements are separated by open space, the area of the sign shall include all the display areas, including the space between the elements.
         B.   Up to five (5) percent of the permitted sign area may be considered minor protrusions and extend outside of the maximum limitation of three (3) regular geometric shapes, and are, therefore, exempted from being included as part of the sign area.
      (4)   For freestanding signs and projecting signs the sign area shall be computed by the measurement of one (1) of the faces when two (2) identical display faces are joined, are parallel, or are within thirty (30) degrees of being parallel to each other and are at no point separated by a distance that exceeds three (3) feet. For any sign that has two (2) display faces that do not comply with the above regulation, or has more than two (2) display surfaces, then each surface shall be included when determining the area of the sign.
In determining the area of freestanding or projecting signs, the following shall be exempted from being considered as part of the maximum permitted area:
         A.   The portion of a solid sign base or other sign support, up to a maximum height of four (4) feet that is at least fifty (50) percent screened by landscaping at the time of installation;.
         B.   The air space under a freestanding sign between supporting posts, other air space between a projecting sign and the wall to which it is attached.
         C.   Additional base area, framing or structural supports or other portions of the sign, when such areas are determined to be:
            1.   Constructed and designed with materials which are similar to, or compatible with, the architecture of the building or other site features;
            2.   Not intended or designed to include messages; and
            3.   Exclusive of colors, trademarks, or any other decorative design features that are primarily intended to attract attention, rather than be unobtrusive or compatible with the architecture of the building or other site features.
   (b)   Determining Building Frontage and Building Unit. For the purposes of this section, the building frontage shall include the building walls that: face a public street, face a parking lot which serves the use, or contain a public entrance to the uses therein. The building frontage shall be measured along such building wall between the exterior faces of the exterior sidewalls. For multiple-occupant buildings, the portion of a building that is owned or leased by a single occupant shall be considered a building unit and shall be measured from the centerline of the party walls defining the building unit.
      (1)   The primary frontage shall be the portion of a frontage that serves as the main access point to a principal building or building unit.
      (2)   The secondary frontage shall be all other walls with ingress and egress to the building unit, and walls that face a public right-of-way or parking facility.
   (c)   Determining Window Area. The window area of a building shall be the total glass area of windows on the building frontage. For the purposes of these regulations, a single glass window shall be the area of all the glass and mullions that has less than four (4) inches of separation from other glass areas. For the purposes of determining window area for ground floor occupants, the ground floor shall only include the glass area to a height of fifteen (15) feet above the elevation of the first floor of the building.
   (d)   Determining Street Frontage. Street frontage is the length of the street that is contiguous to the adjacent private parcel for which the sign is being considered.
   (e)   Determining Sign Setbacks. The required setbacks for any freestanding sign shall apply to all elements of the sign, including its frame and base.
   (f)   The Planning and Zoning Commission has the authority to interpret the provisions of this Section 1161.04 in determining the area of any sign. Decisions related to these interpretations may be appealed to Village Council.
      (Ord. 2016-24. Passed 2-8-17.)