Any employee of the City who is required to appear in court in a case in which the State or the City is a party, or who is required to act as a bailiff, shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half of his or her base salary if he or she is an employee of the Police Department, and at his or her base salary rate if he or she is a member of the Fire Department or the Chief of Police or the Fire Chief, if such appearance is required when the employee is not scheduled for duty. If such attendance is required while the employee is on scheduled duty time, the normal base salary rate shall apply. Hours of compensation shall be calculated to the nearest quarter hour and shall be logged with the dispatcher on duty at the time of such appearance. If any employee is called upon to appear on more than one day, in the event of the continuance of any such judicial matter, the employee shall be compensated separately for each such appearance. In addition, such employee shall receive compensation for mileage, station-to-court, at the rate of twenty cents (20¢) per mile if a private car is driven. No compensation for mileage shall be granted if a City vehicle is used for such court appearance.
(Ord. 106-87. Passed 10-27-87.)