(a)   All employees and officials shall be paid a minimum of once each month, not later than the last day of each month. Full-time employees and officials, and other employees or officials whom the Director of Finance deems appropriate, shall be paid semimonthly on the fifteenth day of each month and on the last day of each month. Each appropriate supervisor shall submit the payroll for his or her department to the Director not later than three working days after the close of each payroll period. The Director shall determine and make those payroll deductions which he or she deems appropriate or which are otherwise authorized and directed by Council. All payroll changes shall be made at a time and in a manner which the Director deems appropriate. When such payday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the preceding Friday shall be the payday and the payroll submission of those days shall be adjusted accordingly.
   The base salary rate of any full-time classified employee shall be calculated by dividing his or her annual salary by the total number of regular working hours per year. Such total number of regular working hours per year for all classified employees shall be as follows: Police, 2,080 hours; Dispatch Division, 2,080 hours; Fire, 2,756; Service, 2,080; and Building, 2,080.
   (b)   In any event, the Director may withhold the payment of overtime to employees or officials for a period not to exceed fifteen days, or until the pay day of the pay period immediately following the period in which the overtime was worked, in order to obtain accurate and necessary information and reporting from the various departments regarding such overtime.
(Ord. 40-93. Passed 5-25-93; Res. 103-95. Passed 11-28-95.)