(a)   Duties. The Clerk of Council is hereby charged with the duties specified in Section 5.02(c) of the City Charter, in Sections 210.02 through 210.06 of these Codified Ordinances, in any other ordinances and resolutions of the City and in all applicable sections of the Ohio Revised Code, in addition to such other duties as are assigned by the Mayor and/or Council from time to time which are not specified in this section. It shall be the responsibility of the Mayor to direct the daily work schedule of the Clerk of Council and any changes or alterations to that work schedule including the scheduling of compensatory time-off and vacation time, all of which shall be referred to the Mayor for consideration.
   In addition to the duties set forth above, the Clerk shall:
      (1)   Act as a receptionist including phone reception.
      (2)   Receive new legislation from Law Department and assign numbers.
      (3)   Produce Council meeting agendas, organize and direct distribution of Council packets.
      (4)   Post Council committee agendas in designated areas.
      (5)   Attend all Council meetings, special meetings, work sessions (as needed), record, and produce Council minutes, and retain in yearly journal.
      (6)   Certify legislation, distribute, and post accordingly.
      (7)   Send adopted legislation for codification.
      (8)   Schedule meetings for Council, committees, boards, commissions, and maintain calendar.
      (9)   Maintain and update indexes on all legislation in a permanent records book.
      (10)   Maintain and update the motion index.
      (11)   Maintain index on all major topics discussed at meetings.
      (12)   Maintain updates of Ohio Revised Code and Codified Ordinances where applicable.
      (13)   Execute as directed, duties as outlined with enabling legislation.
      (14)   Prepare legal notices of public hearings for newspaper.
      (15)   Receive bids, witness opening of bids and prepare tally.
      (16)   Assist Finance with transcripts of note/bond ordinances.
      (17)   Prepare and mail out official communications required by Council including but not limited to the newsletter.
      (18)   Type and distribute documents or memos requested by Council.
      (19)   Research files or obtain requests from Council.
      (20)   Notify affected residents of all pending appeals to.
      (21)   Liquor permits-report applications received from Ohio Liquor Control.
      (22)   Appear at Election Board when necessary to certify petitions. ORC.
      (23)   Type correspondence for Councilmen.
      (24)   Send and forward e-mails as requested by Council.
      (25)   Sort and distribute mail.
      (26)   Maintain accurate and efficient filing system of Council records and contracts.
      (27)   Assist and update City website to include minutes, calendars, and other pertinent information.
      (28)   Planning Commission Secretary/attend meetings and prepare minutes.
      (29)   Ensure easements are properly completed and filed accordingly.
      (30)   Act as backup for Clerk of Courts when needed.
      (31)   Attend seminars to update Municipal Clerk’s issues if required by Council.
      (32)   Research and supply documents to residents and collect fees as applicable.
      (33)   Perform such other duties as Council requests or as required by the ORC.
   (b)   Compensation. The rate of compensation payable to the Clerk of Council/Planning Commission Secretary shall be as determined by Council from time to time.
(Ord. 39-2012. Passed 4-24-12.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Subsections (c) et seq. have been deleted from the Codified Ordinances since legislative provisions pertaining to compensation, fringe benefits and conditions of employment are more subject to frequent change and are less of a permanent nature.)