Collection practices by route which are deemed acceptable by the governing body are as follows:
(A) All residential solid waste shall be collected at least once every week, barring Force Majeure;
(B) Agricultural, commercial, institutional, and industrial generators may adjust collection at more or less frequent intervals (i.e., every other week, twice weekly, or more) as necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare; and
(C) Collection specifications concerning frequency and times of day are relegated to franchise contracts between the governing body and a solid waste collector.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
Recycling shall be defined as any process by which materials which would otherwise become solid waste are collected, separated, or processed and reused or returned to use in the form of raw materials or products, including refuse-derived fuel when processed in accordance with administrative regulations established by the Cabinet, but does not include the incineration or combustion of materials for the recovery of energy. Recycling is voluntary and encouraged in the governing body.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
By the mandate of this chapter, a recovered material processing facility shall be maintained by the governing body for the specific purpose of accepting such materials from the public and preparing them for shipment to a buyer. This facility is named the Oldham County Recycling Center. Only materials specifically indicated on its signage may be dropped off at this facility. Materials other than those indicated as accepted are considered illegally dumped.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
Curbside and commercial recycling, while not mandatory, is only available through the franchise contractor, as defined in §§ 50.040 et seq.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
No person may engage in the business of residential and commercial solid waste collection by route in the Solid Waste Management Area (SWMA) unless they hold a franchise contract with a governing body within the county authorizing them to collect, transport, and dispose of solid waste. The Fiscal Court shall determine the area for which a franchise is granted for the county. Cities and homeowners associations (HOA) within the SWMA may have an agreement with the county contractor unique to the needs of their community.