§ 93.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Penalties. Violations of any provision of §§ 93.01 through 93.09 is a civil offense and shall be enforced by the County Code Enforcement Board. The following civil penalties shall be imposed for excessive false alarms within the 12 month period:
      (1)   Seventy-five dollars for the first excessive false alarm, if paid within ten days of receipt of notice of violation;
      (2)   One hundred and fifty dollars for subsequent violations within the 12 month period, if paid within ten days of receipt of notice of violation; and
      (3)   One hundred and fifty dollars to $500 for a first or subsequent offense that is not paid within ten days, or, when the determination of false alarm is contested by the recipient and the Code Enforcement Board finds that a violation of §§ 93.01 through 93.09 took place.
   (B)   Unpermitted alarm systems. Communication of an alarm without a valid alarm permit constitutes a violation of §§ 93.01 through 93.09 and a civil penalty as described in division (A) above shall be imposed against the owner of the alarm system or resident of the property from which the alarm issues in the same manner and penalty as described for excessive false alarms.
(Ord. KOC 15-320-001, passed 2-18-2015)