The owner of a dog or cat shall have the dog or cat vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian every calendar year or, in the case of a pup or kitten, before it is four (4) months old. The person vaccinating the dog or cat shall furnish a certificate or statement of vaccination. (2015 Code § 4-120)
   A.   Registration Fee:
      1.   Required: A fee in such sum as set by the city council by motion or resolution for every dog more than six (6) months of age is hereby imposed upon the owner of any such dog kept or harbored within the city.
      2.   Exemptions: The regulatory fee imposed in this subsection A shall not apply to a dog only temporarily brought into and kept within the city, nor to a dog brought into the city to participate in a dog show, nor to a service dog when such dog is actually being used by a person with disabilities, nor to dogs being kept in kennels or pet shops for sale. (2015 Code § 4-121; amd. 2016 Code)
      3.   Payment: The owner shall pay the fee to the city for every calendar year and within fifteen (15) days after acquiring or bringing the dog into the city. The licenses shall expire one year from the date the license was last issued and shall not be issued for less than one year.
   B.   Display Of Rabies Vaccination Certificate Required: The person offering the fee shall present to the city the certificate of a veterinarian or other person legally authorized to immunize dogs showing that the dog has been immunized against rabies during the preceding six (6) months prior to issuance of the license.
   C.   Required Information: The owner of the dog shall, at the time of paying the fee, register the dog by giving the name and address of the owner; the name, breed, color and sex of the dog; and such other reasonable information as the city may request.
   D.   Receipt And Tag:
      1.   The city shall deliver an original receipt and an appropriate tag for the dog to the owner. The tag shall constitute a license for the dog. (2015 Code § 4-121)
      2.   The owner shall cause the tag received from the city to be affixed to the collar of the dog so that the tag can easily be seen by officers of the city. The owner shall see that the tag is worn by the dog at all times.
      3.   In case the tag is lost before the end of the year for which it was issued, the owner may secure another tag by applying to the city, presenting to him the original receipt, and paying to him a fee as set by the city council. (2015 Code § 4-122)
It is unlawful for the owner or harborer to fail, at all times, to confine any female dog or cat which is in season in a building or secure enclosure, veterinary hospital or boarding kennel, except when on a leash and under the control of a competent person. (2015 Code § 4-110)
When requested by any proper official, meter reader, police officer, sanitation worker, or other person whose duty is to enter onto private property, an owner shall leash or otherwise confine any and all dogs to prevent harm to the person making a lawful entry on owner's private property. (2015 Code § 4-111)
   A.   Prohibited: The owner or keeper of any dog, cat or other animal, including fowl, shall keep such animal under restraint at all times and shall not permit such animal to be at large. Apprehension of such animal shall not be a prerequisite to fine or punishment for violation of this subsection. (2015 Code § 4-102)
   B.   Turning Animals At Large Unlawful: It is unlawful for any person to open any enclosure in which any animal is confined as required by ordinance so as to turn the animal at large or in any manner to turn the animal at large. (2015 Code § 4-103)
It is unlawful for any person to stake, confine or pasture any animal on any public school ground or other public property, federal, state, city or other, on any railroad right of way, or on any private property without the consent of the person owning or controlling such property. (2015 Code § 4-104)