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   A.   SWPP Permits: The permittee shall obtain a storm water pollution prevention permit (SWPP permit) prior to commencing land disturbing activities on the work site, if required under title 9, chapter 7, article B of this code.
   B.   Erosion, Sediment Controls: Regardless of whether an SWPP permit is required, the permittee shall provide erosion and sediment controls adequate to prevent transportation of sediment and debris from the work site into the public way, the city's storm drainage system or other adjacent properties.
   C.   Storm Water Prevention Plan: If the permitting official determines that such controls are inadequate as a result of sediment or debris being discharged, deposited or tracked from the work site, the permitting official may require a permittee to prepare a storm water prevention plan for approval. Such plan may be required any time during construction and must be submitted within five (5) days of the request. The permitting official may suspend or revoke all work under a permit until the plan is submitted and approved. The permittee shall maintain all erosion and sediment control facilities required under the plan throughout the life of the construction project authorized under the permit, and shall monitor the plan's effectiveness after storms or other erosion causing incidents to ensure that the plan functions correctly.
(Ord. 2006-45, 7-25-2006)