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The following terms shall be defined as indicated for the purpose of this chapter:
BUILDING OFFICIAL: The duly appointed building official of the city or the building official's duly authorized representative.
CITY ENGINEER: The duly appointed city engineer of the city, or the city engineer's duly authorized representative.
CITY STORM DRAIN SYSTEM: All drainage structures, whether surface or subsurface, that are part of, or connect to, the city's storm drainage system.
ENGINEERING REGULATIONS: The latest version of the engineering regulations, specifications, design standards or criteria published or adopted by the city engineer, pursuant to title 7, chapter 6 of this code.
LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY: A human induced change to improved or unimproved land, including, but not limited to, new home or building construction, expansion of an existing building or home, demolition activity, clearing, grubbing, leveling, excavation, fill operations, trenching, landscaping, grading, drainage, pipe installation, drilling, mining, dredging, road construction or improvement, paving, construction of earthen berms, and improvements for use as parking or storage.
PERMIT: Any permit, approval or authorization issued or granted by the city for an improvement to, or alteration of, real property within the city, including, but not limited to, an excavation permit pursuant to title 7, chapter 5 of this code; a building, demolition, or other construction permit pursuant to this title; an approval for the subdivision or development of land pursuant to title 14 of this code; or any approval pursuant to title 15 of this code, which authorizes any type of grading, improvements, or construction activity.
PERMITTEE: Any person who has been issued a permit.
PERMITTING OFFICIAL: The officer of the city responsible for the issuance or granting of the permit, administration of the permit, or the enforcement of ordinance requirements or conditions of the permit, including, but not limited to, the building official, the city engineer, or the planning director.
PLANNING DIRECTOR: The director of the community and economic development department of the city, or the director's designee.
PUBLIC WAY: Means and includes all public rights of way and easements, public footpaths, walkways and sidewalks, public streets, public roads, public highways, public alleys, and public drainageways, including any public drainageways located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the city.
WORK SITE: Any real property upon which improvement alterations, improvements, or other construction activity is occurring.
(Ord. 2006-45, 7-25-2006)