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   A.   Employers: An employer may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate any person, and may not retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against any person otherwise qualified because of a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.
   B.   Employment Agencies: An employment agency may not refuse to list and properly classify for employment, or refuse to refer a person for employment, in a known available job for which the person is otherwise qualified because of a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.
   C.   Labor Organizations: A labor organization may not exclude any person otherwise qualified from full membership rights in the labor organization, expel the person from membership in the labor organization, or otherwise discriminate against or harass any of the labor organization's members in full employment of work opportunity, or representation, because of a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.
   D.   Training Programs: An employer, labor organization, joint apprenticeship committee, or vocational school, providing, coordinating, or controlling apprenticeship programs, or providing, coordinating, or controlling on the job training programs, instruction, training, or retraining programs may not deny to, or withhold from, any qualified person, the right to be admitted to, or participate in any apprenticeship training program, on the job training program, or other occupational instruction, training or retraining program because of a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.
   E.   Notices And Advertisements: Unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, or required by and given to an agency of government for security reasons, an employer, employment agency, or labor organization may not print, or circulate, or cause to be printed or circulated, any statement, advertisement, or publication, use any form of application for employment or membership, or make any inquiry in connection with prospective employment or membership that expresses, either directly or indirectly any limitation, specification, or discrimination because of a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.
It is unlawful for a joint labor-management committee controlling apprenticeship or other training or retraining (including on the job training programs) to print or publish, or cause to be printed or published, any notice or advertisement relating to admission to, or employment in, any program established to provide apprenticeship or other training by the joint labor-management committee that indicates any preference, limitation, specification, or discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Nothing in this chapter prohibits a notice or advertisement from indicating a preference, limitation, specification, or discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity when sexual orientation or gender identity is a bona fide occupational qualification for employment.
   F.   No Preferential Treatment: Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to require any employer, employment agency, labor organization, vocational school, joint labor-management committee, or apprenticeship program subject to this chapter to grant preferential treatment to any person because of the person's sexual orientation or gender identity on account of an imbalance which may exist with respect to the total number or percentage of persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity employed by any employer, referred or classified for employment by an employment agency or labor organization, admitted to membership or classified by any labor organization, or admitted to or employed in, any apprenticeship or other training program, in comparison with the total number or percentage of persons of that sexual orientation or gender identity available in the city's available work force.
   G.   Expression Of Religious And Other Beliefs: A person's actual or symbolic religious or other deeply held beliefs, shall not be the sole basis for a finding of discrimination under this chapter. Expressions of religious or other deeply held beliefs are exempt from this chapter, provided they do not become so pervasive or severe as to alter the terms, conditions or privileges of employment. Religious or other deeply held beliefs may not, however, excuse conduct that otherwise violates this chapter. This chapter is intended to prohibit discriminatory conduct, not punish beliefs or the expression thereof.
(Ord. 2011-11, 3-15-2011)