A. For the purpose of this chapter, two (2) odor observations and/or measurements shall be made within a period of one hour, these measurements being separated by at least fifteen (15) minutes.
B. Odor observations and/or measurements taken to arrive at a determination that an objectionable odor exists shall be made at or beyond the property line of the source or at or near places where people live or work.
C. The nasal ranger field olfactometer, or other instrument, device, or technique designated by the code enforcement officer, may be used in the evaluation of an odor and may be used as a measuring device in the enforcement of this chapter.
D. Personnel using the nasal ranger field olfactometer or other approved device shall be trained to operate such device.
E. The "dilution to threshold" ratio is a measure of the number of dilutions needed to make the odorous ambient air nondetectable. Field olfactometry calculates the dilution to threshold (D/T) ratio as:
D/T = Volume of carbon filtered air
Volume of odorous air
Volume of odorous air
(Ord. 2007-14, 5-1-2007)