A. Each city officer shall designate three (3) emergency interim successors and specify their order of succession. The list of designated successors, and any updates thereto, shall be provided to the emergency program manager by June 15 of each year for inclusion in the emergency operations plan and timely submission to the comprehensive emergency management division of the state of Utah.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if any city officer or the officer's legal deputy, if any, is unavailable, a designated emergency interim successor shall exercise the powers and duties of the office according to the order of succession specified by the city officer. An emergency interim successor shall exercise the powers and duties of the city office only until:
1. The vacancy is filled in accordance with the state law; or
2. The city officer, the officer's deputy, or an emergency interim successor earlier in the order of succession becomes available to exercise the powers and duties of the city office.
C. At the time an individual is appointed as an emergency interim successor, the emergency interim successor shall sign prospectively whatever oath is required to enable them to exercise the powers and duties of the office to which they may succeed. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to comply with any other provision of law relative to taking office as a prerequisite to the exercise of the powers or discharge of the duties of an office to which he or she succeeds.
D. Persons authorized to act as emergency interim successors shall exercise the powers and duties of the office to which they succeed only when a disaster has occurred. Until the persons designated as emergency interim successors succeed to the exercise of the powers and duties of an office, they shall serve as emergency interim successors at the pleasure of the designating authority and may be removed and replaced by the designating authority at any time, with or without cause.
E. Except for factual disputes concerning the office of mayor, the mayor shall adjudicate any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this section and the mayor's decision shall be final.
(Ord. 2001-65, 11-20-2001, eff. 12-9-2001)