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   A.   Review; Change: All fees and charges fixed in this chapter are subject to periodic review and change by the City Council.
   B.   Automatic Adjustments: Unless the City Council takes an alternate action, land rental rates, as determined by section 8-5-2 of this chapter, shall automatically be adjusted on January 1 of each year in accordance with corresponding changes in the Consumer Price Index published by the U.S. government for the preceding fiscal year ending September 30. Any automatic rental rate change shall apply to all rents due and payable during the calendar year when the change became effective. The "Consumer Price Index" shall mean those cost of living statistics published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States government for the area in which the City is included. In the event the Bureau of Labor Statistics ceases to publish a Consumer Price Index, those statistics provided by any successor governmental agency which are furnished for the same purpose shall be employed to determine the adjustment.
(Ord. 2018-14, 6-26-2018)