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8-2-5: VEHICLES:
   A.   Operator's License Required: No person may operate a motor vehicle on airport premises unless that person has a valid operator's license.
   B.   Safe Operating Condition: No person shall operate a vehicle at the airport unless it is in safe operating condition as described by Utah Code Annotated section 41-6a-1601, as amended.
   C.   Parking:
      1.   Locations: No person shall park a vehicle on the airport other than in a manner and at locations indicated by posted traffic signs or markings. A tenant may dedicate a portion of his/her hangar for nonaviation storage, so long as the hangar is primarily used for aviation purposes.
      2.   Hangars: No person shall park a vehicle in front of any hangar or building, except for delivery and service vehicles actually making a delivery, and then only long enough to complete the delivery.
      3.   Designated Parking Areas: The city may designate and mark a parking space on a tenant's leased area at the request of that tenant if doing so will not create a hazard, impede snow removal or other airport operations and the tenant pays the cost of having the space marked or does it himself or herself. No designated parking space may be used to store campers, motor homes, trailers, trucks (except passenger vehicle pickups), boats or recreational vehicles.
   D.   Identification: Mobile service equipment must display identification visible from fifty feet (50'), identifying the vehicle owner.
   E.   Runways And Taxiways; Permission Required: No person shall operate a vehicle on any runway or taxiway without:
      1.   Approval: The express approval of the airport manager;
      2.   Clearance: Specific clearance by the control tower; and
      3.   Communication; Escort: Two-way radio communication with the control tower, unless exempted by written tower agreement or escorted by a vehicle with such communication.
   F.   Right Of Way: Drivers of vehicles must yield the right of way to aircraft and pedestrians on the airport.
   G.   Speed Limits: No person may drive a vehicle in excess of the posted speed limit on Airport Road, or anywhere else on the airport in excess of ten (10) miles per hour.
   H.   Prohibited Vehicles: Vehicle access to the ramp (aircraft nonmovement area) is limited to vehicles bearing Ogden- Hinckley airport ramp passes issued by the city. Vehicle operators desiring to obtain the required ramp pass must verify that they have received, and are familiar with, airport ground vehicle operation instructions and material provided by the city. The ramp pass shall be displayed on all vehicles at all times while operating in the ramp and aircraft nonmovement areas of the airport. No person shall operate, drive, or store any go-cart, horse trailer or similar vehicle, or horse on any ramp, runway or taxiway.
   I.   Inoperable Vehicles: No person shall store or keep any inoperable vehicle at the airport except while actively repairing it. The city may give written permission to keep an inoperable vehicle at the airport for a reasonable time for good cause, if no health hazard or impediment to airport operations exists and if the vehicle is not visible or accessible to the public.
   J.   Number Of Passengers; Conduct: No person may operate a vehicle on the airport while carrying more people or cargo than for which the vehicle was designed. No person may operate a vehicle unless all occupants are wholly inside the vehicle.
   K.   Traffic Signals: No person shall fail to obey the directions posted on traffic signs, signals or pavement markings on the airport.
(Ord. 2005-45, 7-19-2005)