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   A.   Purpose: This section is enacted and intended for the purpose of establishing the Ogden Airport Advisory Committee, whose objectives and purposes shall be to advise the City Council and the Mayor in matters pertaining to the operations of the airport.
   B.   Established: There is hereby established the Ogden Airport Advisory Committee which shall consist of not fewer than five (5) but not more than seven (7) members, appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council.
   C.   Appointment; Eligibility:
      1.   In order to be eligible for appointment to the Advisory Committee, a person shall:
         a.   Be not less than twenty-one (21) years of age;
         b.   Be a resident of Weber County or Davis County; and
         c.   Be a representative of a cross section of business, aviation, and community interests, such as pilots, engineers, travel industry, or education and economic development representatives, etc.
      2.   At least two (2) members of the Advisory Committee shall be residents of Ogden City or persons whose continuing principal place of business is in Ogden City.
   D.   Terms Of Office: Advisory Committee members shall be appointed for two (2) year terms, three (3) of which will expire in odd numbered years and two (2) of which shall expire in even numbered years on March 30 of the second year. If a sixth or seventh Advisory Committee member is appointed, their terms shall expire in even numbered years on March 30 of the second year. Each member may serve beyond that date as needed until a successor is appointed and qualified.
   E.   Vacancies: Vacancies occurring in the Advisory Committee shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council for the unexpired term.
   F.   Compensation; Expenses: Advisory Committee members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred as Committee members, if approved in advance of the expenditure.
   G.   Removal From Office: Any Advisory Committee member may be removed from office by the Mayor at any time for any reason.
   H.   Members' Ethics: Advisory Committee members shall be subject to and bound by the provisions of the Municipal Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act, Utah Code Annotated section 10-3-1301 et seq., as amended.
   I.   Meetings:
      1.   The Advisory Committee shall meet at least twice throughout the year. Meetings may be called by the Airport Manager or the Committee Chair. The meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Law, Utah Code Annotated section 52-4-1 et seq., as amended.
      2.   Meetings shall be held at the airport or at another public place.
      3.   The Advisory Committee shall keep written minutes of its proceedings which shall be available for public inspection at the Airport Manager's Office. Copies of the minutes shall also be filed with the City Recorder's Office.
      4.   The Advisory Committee may adopt rules of procedure for its meetings.
   J.   Election Of Officers: At its first regular meeting after March 30 each year, the Advisory Committee shall elect a Chair, and a Vice Chair who will perform the duties of Chair during the absence or disability of the Chair.
   K.   Staffing Services: The Mayor, through the Department of Community and Economic Development, shall provide such administrative support and staff assistance to the Committee as is determined by the Mayor to be necessary for the operations of the Committee, within existing budgetary restraints.
   L.   Functions: The Advisory Committee shall assist the Airport Manager in development and promotion of the airport in order to best serve the local and regional requirements for airport service. The Committee shall review matters presented to it by the Airport Manager, the Mayor, the City Council, or residents; make suggestions; and submit its recommendation in writing to the Airport Manager, the Mayor or City Council. As requested by the city, the Advisory Committee shall:
      1.   Assist in the development of goals, objectives, and strategies for the operation and development of the airport and the identification of the means and methods of implementation and their associated costs;
      2.   Assist the Planning Commission in the development of the airport master plan as part of the Ogden City general plan;
      3.   Assist in the development of ordinances, rules and regulations for the effective and efficient operation of the airport;
      4.   Review proposed changes in rates and charges;
      5.   Assist in the development of a capital improvement plan for the airport, including the Federal and state airport grant programs;
      6.   Review complaints and suggestions from airport users and affected neighbors as requested;
      7.   Assist in the development of marketing strategies for the economic development of the airport; and
      8.   Annually submit in writing to the City Council and the Mayor a report of the activities of the Committee during the year, together with any recommendations for the subsequent year.
(Ord. 2018-20, 6-26-2018; amd. Ord. 2023-71, 12-19-2023)