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The criteria set forth in this section may be considered by the city council and mayor in determining whether to name or rename a city facility. Additional criteria may also be considered by the city council and mayor, as may be deemed appropriate.
   A.   The following accomplishments, achievements and circumstances may be considered when evaluating any proposal to name or rename a city facility after any individual or group of individuals:
      1.   Extraordinary civic contribution to the community.
      2.   Loss of life in the line of duty while serving as a city employee.
      3.   Loss of life and/or performing a heroic act while serving in any branch of the United States armed forces.
      4.   Widespread recognition as a national or historical figure.
      5.   Contributions of significant cost of acquisition and/or development of a specific city facility.
The naming of a city facility for a deceased person will generally not be considered until at least one year after the date of death.
   B.   The following accomplishments, achievements and circumstances may be considered when evaluating any proposal to name or rename a city facility after any organization, including any nonprofit or for profit entity:
      1.   Extraordinary civic contribution to the community.
      2.   Contributions of significant cost of acquisition and/or development of a specific city facility.
   C.   Any city facility may be appropriately named or renamed after an event (or series of events) with cultural or historical significance, provided such event has a meaningful and direct nexus to the city.
   D.   Any city facility may be appropriately named after adjacent or nearby streets, landmarks, neighborhoods or other similarly identifiable geographic areas.
   E.   With regard to naming or renaming a city facility after any individual:
      1.   That individual should not be an incumbent elected or appointed official in local, state or federal government.
      2.   That individual should not have been convicted of a felony.
      3.   The city shall obtain, or shall make a reasonable attempt to obtain, consent from such individual or, if such individual is deceased or cannot be contacted, from members of the individual's family.
   F.   City facilities should not be given any name that may:
      1.   Cause confusion due to duplication of, or similarity to, an existing named city facility or location within the city.
      2.   Include or may be associated with the name of:
         a.   Any individual, group of individuals, or organization commonly associated with tobacco, alcohol, obscenity, or any sexually oriented business or activity;
         b.   Any religious or political organization, unless the name relates to a historic or civic contribution of such organization; or
         c.   Any religious leader, unless such leader is being honored or recognized solely for the leader's civic contribution.
      3.   Have an inappropriate acronym, short form, or modification.
      4.   Is discriminatory, derogatory or offensive.
      5.   Relates to or may create a controversial event or situation.
      6.   Recognizes a single individual for a contribution similar or identical to a contribution made by others within a particular group associated with that individual.
(Ord. 2012-55, 12-18-2012)