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Newsracks shall be located only in the area no closer than two and a half feet (21/2') from the back of curb and no further than five feet (5') from the back of curb; except that with the written permission of the abutting property owner a newsrack or newsrack group may be located on the inside of the sidewalk next to a building. No newsrack shall be connected to or located adjacent to any mailbox, post, pole, bench, bus shelter, bike rack, kiosk, sign, water feature, art, or monument, or next to or connected to or within any raised planter, unless the original design of such items specifically provides for newsracks in an integrated design feature. No newsrack shall be located in a manner which:
   A.   Impedes or interferes with the reasonable use of a crosswalk;
   B.   Impedes or interferes with the reasonable use of any kiosk, bench, trash receptacle, drinking fountain, bicycle rack, driveway, alley or bus shelter;
   C.   Interferes with the reasonable use of any fire hydrant, traffic signal box, fire call box, police call box, or other emergency facility;
   D.   Impairs or interferes with pedestrian traffic;
   E.   Interferes with or impairs the vision of operators of vehicles at street intersections or interferes with or impairs any aspect of any sight triangle field of vision as outlined under section 7-3-2 of this title;
   F.   Reduces the clear, unimpeded sidewalk width to:
      1.   Seven feet (7') or less on sidewalks over twelve feet (12') in width, or
      2.   Less than four feet (4') on sidewalks less than twelve feet (12') in width.
In determining an unimpeded sidewalk, features such as fountains, fire hydrants, or similar structures shall be considered.
(Ord. 2012-41, 7-10-2012)