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   A.   Permit Required: No person shall plant, prune, remove, spray, destroy, deface or injure in any way, or cause to be planted, pruned, removed, sprayed, destroyed, defaced or injured in any way, any street tree or park tree within the city without having first obtained a written permit therefor from the public ways and parks division.
      1.   An approved site plan by the mayor or other official or entity authorized under the zoning title shall be considered a written permit required by this section.
      2.   Any tree or shrub planted contrary to the provisions of this chapter or any permit issued hereunder may be removed by the city.
      3.   A permit shall not be required for work performed by city employees in the course of their duties.
   B.   Application: Any person desiring to plant, prune, remove or spray any street tree or park tree within the city shall first make written application to the public ways and parks division. Said application shall include the name and address of the applicant, the name and address of the person doing the work, the kind or species of tree or shrub and the location of same, together with such other information as required. The applicant shall, at the time of making the application, agree in writing to save the city harmless in all respects and protect the city and the public at all times in connection with any work performed under such permit.
   C.   Issuance; Expiration:
      1.   Permits issued for the planting, pruning, spraying or removal of trees shall set forth the name of the person who shall perform the work, the location of the work and any conditions or requirements in connection therewith.
      2.   Failure to comply with the requirements of the permit shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
      3.   All permit work shall comply with the arboricultural regulations of the city.
      4.   As a condition of any removal permit and where a street tree or park tree is in good health and is authorized to be removed at the applicant's request, the public ways and parks division may require the permit applicant to compensate the city for the value of the tree removal either by replacement thereof with the size, species and location approved by the urban forester or by monetary assessment.
      5.   Unless otherwise stated, a permit issued pursuant to this section shall expire thirty (30) days after issuance.
      6.   A person who exceeds the authorization given in the permit is subject to the penalties described in section 6-2-12 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2016-13, 3-1-2016)