A. Nonacceptable Planting Stock Species: The following species are considered to be inappropriate and unsuitable for planting on parking strips and street tree sites:
All species of poplars (including Fremont, Lombardy, Bolleanna, silver leaf, aspen, Carolina balm-of-Gilead and any other variety of cottonwood). | |
All varieties of conifers (including spruce, fir, pine, juniper, arborvitae and yew). | |
All varieties of standard fruit bearing trees (including apple, pear, plum, peach and cherry). This does not include ornamental tree varieties. | |
All varieties of willows (salix species). | |
Black locust | Robina nigra |
Box elder | Acer negundo |
Moraine ash | Fraxinus "moraine" |
Russian olive | Eleagnus angustifolia |
Siberian elm | Ulmus pumila |
Silver maple | Acer saccharinum |
Tree of heaven | Ailanthus altissima |
Umbrella catalpa | Catalpa speciosa |
B. Acceptable, But Not Recommended Planting Stock Species: The following species are acceptable, but due to insect and disease problems or litter mess associated with the tree they are not recommended for use as park/street trees. In addition, some of the trees listed already compose over ten percent (10%) of the Ogden City urban forest species composition and provide an unnecessary risk to the urban forest. Trees that represent over ten percent (10%) will remain in this category until their populations are more evenly balanced with other species in the urban forest. Cultivars and species of these trees are annotated in the approved street tree list with a (*) to signify they belong in this category.
All species and varieties of elms (including America, Chinese, pioneer and liberty) | |
All varieties of lindens (tilia species) | |
All varieties of locust (robinia and gleditsia species) | |
All varieties of maples (acer species) | |
All varieties of nut bearing trees (including walnut, pecan, hickory and almond) | |
Most varieties of ash (fraxinus species); does not include bore resistant varieties | |
Horse chestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum |
Ohio buckeye | Aesculus glabra |
Sycamore | Platanus occidentalis |
Western catalpa | Catalpa speciosa |
C. Approved Street Tree Species: Only desirable, long lived tree species of good appearance, beauty, adaptability, and generally free from injury, insect, or disease shall be acceptable for tree plantings. Undesirable trees shall not be recommended for general planting and their use, if any, shall be restricted to special locations where, because of certain characteristics of adaptability or landscape effect, they can be used to an advantage. The asterisk (*) indicates trees that are approved but not recommended for street tree planting. Below are the approved lists of tree species, cultivars, and/or varieties acceptable for plantings:
1. Parking/Planting Strip Width Three Feet Or Less (Acceptable Species): All shrubs and trees in these areas are approved on a case by case basis as recommended by the urban forester depending upon individual site characteristics and circumstances.
2. Parking/Planting Strip Width Three Feet To Five Feet (Acceptable Species): As recommended by the urban forester, parking strips of this size will be classified by the appropriate rating of small tree species. These tree species will be the species class used in all small parking strips and also where medium and large parking strips have overhead utilities that inhibit the use of larger tree species. Acceptable trees in the small tree category are listed below:
Amur maple* | Acer ginnala | |
Aristocrat pear | Pyrus calleryana "aristocrat" | |
Autumn blaze pear | Pyrus calleryana "autumn blaze" | |
Autumn brilliance serviceberry | Amelanchier x grandiflora | |
Big tooth maple* | Acer grandidentatum | |
Capital pear* | Pyrus calleryana "capital" | |
Chanticleer pear* | Pyrus calleryana "chanticleer" | |
Chinese dogwood | Cornus kousa "chineusis" | |
Chokecherry | Prunus virginiana | |
Columnar sargent cherry | Prunus sargentii "columnaris" | |
Crabapples: | ||
American beauty crabapple* | Malus "American beauty" | |
Bechtel crabapple* | Malus "ioensis" | |
Brandy wine crabapple | Malus "brandy wine" | |
Candied apple crabapple* | Malus "candied apple" | |
Centurion crabapple* | Malus "centurion" | |
Dolgo crabapple* | Malus x "dolgo" | |
Dorothea crabapple* | Malus x "Dorothea" | |
Eley crabapple | Malus purpurea "eley" | |
Hopa crabapple* | Malus x "hopa" | |
Japanese flowering crabapple | Malus floribunda | |
Klehm's improved bechtel crab* | Malus ioensus "Klehm's improved bechtel" | |
Radiant crabapple* | Malus x radiant | |
Redbud crabapple* | Malus x zumi "calocarpa" | |
Sargent crabapple | Malus "sargent crabapple" | |
Snow cloud crabapple | Malus "snow cloud" | |
Snowdrift crabapple* | Malus x "snowdrift" | |
Spring snow crabapple | Malus "spring snow" | |
White cascade crabapple* | Malus "white cascade" | |
Crape myrtle* | Lagerstroemia indica | |
Cumulus serviceberry | Amelanchier laevis "cumulus", tree form | |
Eastern redbud | Cercis canadensis | |
English hawthorn* | Crataegus laevigata | |
Gambel oak | Quercus gambellii | |
Globe Norway maple* | Acer platanoides "globosum" | |
Glossy privet | Ligustrum lucidum | |
Golden rain tree | Koelreuteria paniculata | |
Imperial honeylocust* | Gleditsia triacanthos "Imperial" | |
Krauter Vesuvius plum | Prunus cerasifera "Krauter Vesuvius" | |
Kwanzan Japanese flowering cherry | Prunus serrulata "Kwanzan" | |
Lavalle hawthorn | Crataegus x lavallei | |
Loquat* | Eriobotrya japonica | |
Majestic serviceberry | Amelanchier laevis "majestic", tree form | |
May day tree | Prunus padus var commutata | |
Mt. Fuji flowering cherry | Prunus serrulata "shirotae" | |
Mt. Saint Helens flowering plum | Prunus cerasifera "Mt. Saint Helens" | |
New Mexico locust | Robinia neomexicana | |
Newport flowering plum | Prunus cerasifera | |
Pagoda dogwood | Cornus alternifolia | |
Paper bark maple* | Acer griseum | |
Princess Diana serviceberry | Amelanchier x grandiflora "Princess Diana", tree form | |
Red leaf chokecherry | Prunus virginiana "Shubert" | |
Redspire pear | Pyrus calleryana "redspire" | |
Robin Hill serviceberry | Amelanchier x grandiflora "Robin Hill", tree form | |
Rocky Mountain maple* | Acer glabrum | |
Sargent cherry | Prunus sargentii | |
Silk tree | Albizia julibrissin | |
Star magnolia | Magnolia stellata, tree form | |
Thundercloud flowering plum* | Prunus cerasifera "thundercloud" | |
Toba hawthorn | Crataegus x mordenensis | |
Tradition serviceberry | Amelanchier x grandiflora "Trazam", tree form | |
Trident maple* | Acer buergeranum, tree form | |
Washington hawthorn | Crataegus phaenopyrum | |
Western water birch* | Betula occidentalis | |
3. Parking/Planting Strip Width Five Feet To Eight Feet (Acceptable Species): As recommended by the urban forester, parking strips of this size will be classified by the appropriate rating of medium tree species. These tree species will not be planted where overhead electrical lines or other overhead utilities are present within the parking strip. These trees may be planted in the larger width areas but not in the smaller areas listed above.
American yellow wood | Cladrastis lutea |
Armstrong maple* | Acer rubrum "Armstrong" |
Autumn flame maple* | Acer rubrum "autumn flame" |
Bradford Callery pear | Pyrus calleryana "Bradford" |
Chancellor linden* | Tilia cordata "chancellor" |
Chinese white birch | Betula platyphlla "Szechuanica" |
Cleveland Norway maple* | Acer platanoides "Cleveland" |
Columnar Norway maple* | Acer platanoides "columnar" |
Crimson King Norway maple* | Acer platanoides "crimson king" |
Deborah maple | Acer platanoides "Deborah" |
Emerald lustre maple* | Acer platanoides "pond" |
Emerald Queen Norway maple* | Acer platanoides "emerald queen" |
European ash* | Fraxinus excelsior |
European mountain ash* | Sorbus aucuparia |
European white birch* | Betula pendula |
Fairview locust | Gleditsia triacanthos inermis "fairview" |
Fan-san fruitless mulberry | Morus alba "fan-san" |
Fruitless mulberry | Morus albm "fruitless" |
Glenleven linden* | Tilia cordata "Glenleven" |
Golden rain tree | Koelreuteria paniculata |
Green Mountain sugar maple* | Acer saccharum "green mountain" |
Greenspire linden* | Tilia cordata "greenspire" |
Halka honeylocust* | Gleditsia tricanthos inermis "halka" |
Hedge maple* | Acer capestre |
Idaho flowering locust | Robina idahoensis |
Imperial honeylocust* | Gleditsia tricanthos inermis "imperial" |
Japanese pagoda tree* | Sophora japonica |
Japanese tree lilac | Syringa amurensis japonisa |
Japanese white birch | Betula platyphylla "japanica" |
Kingan fruitless mulberry | Morus alba "kingan" |
Littleleaf linden* | Tilia cordata |
Modesto ash | Fraxinus velutina x glabra "modesto" |
Olympic linden* | Tilia cordata "olympic" |
Paper birch | Betula papyrifera |
Patmore ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica "Patmore" |
Pin oak | Quercus palustris |
Pyramidal European hornbean | Carpinus betulus "fastigiata" |
Queen Elizabeth maple* | Acer compestre "Queen Elizabeth" |
Red horse chestnut* | Aesculus x carnea |
Red sunset maple* | Acer rubrum "red sunset" |
Redspire pear | Pyrus calleryana "redspire" |
Regent Japanese pagoda tree | Sophora japonics "regent" |
Rivers purple beech | Fagus sylvatica "river purple beech" |
Royal red maple* | Acer platanoides "royal red" |
Saratoga ginkgo tree | Ginkgo biloba "Saratoga" |
Schwedler Norway maple* | Acer platanoides "Schwedleri" |
Shademaster honeylocust* | Gleditsia triacanthos inermis "shademaster" |
Skyline locust | Gleditsia triacanthos inermis "skyline" |
Summershade Norway maple* | Acer platanoides "summershade" |
Sycamore maple* | Acer pseudoplatanus |
Village green Zelkova | Zelkova serrata "village green" |
White alder | Alnus incana |
Whitespire birch | Betula platyphylla "whitespire" |
4. Parking/Planting Strip Width Eight Feet And Up (Acceptable Species): As recommended by the urban forester, parking strips of this size will be classified by the appropriate rating of large tree species. These tree species will not be planted where overhead electrical lines or other overhead utilities are present within the parking strip area. These trees are not to be planted in smaller areas listed above under the small or medium parking strip categories.
American sweetgum | Liquidambar styraciflua |
Autumn gold ginkgo tree | Ginkgo biloba "autumn gold" |
Burr oak | Quercus macrocarpa |
Columnar english oak | Quercus robur "fastigiata" |
Crimean linden | Tilia x euchlora |
English oak | Quercus robur |
European beech | Fagus sylvatica |
European hornbeam | Carpinus betulus |
Fairmount ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba "fairmount" |
Ginkgo tree | Ginkgo biloba "saratoga" |
Hackberry | Celtis occidentalis |
Horse chestnut | Aesoulus hippocastanum |
Japanese Zelkova | Zelkova serrata |
Kentucky coffee tree | Gymnocladus dioicus |
Lace bark elm | Ulmus parvifolia |
Legacy sugar maple* | Acer saccharum "legacy" |
London plane tree | Platanus x acerifolia |
London planetree, blood strain | Platanus x acerifola "bloodgood" |
Marshall's seedless green ash* | Fraxinus pennsylvanica |
Patmore ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica "Patmore" |
Red maple* | Acer rubrum |
Red oak | Quercus rubra |
Redmond linden* | Tilia euchora "redmond" |
Silver dollar tree | Eucalyptus polanthemos |
Sugar maple* | Acer saccharum |
Sycamore | Plantanus occidentalis |
Tulip tree | Liriodendron tulipifera |
Western or northern catalpa* | Catalpa speciosa |
White ash* | Fraxinus americana |
White horsechestnut* | Aesculus hippocastanum |
White oak | Quercus alba |
(Eff. 3-14-2007)