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The following definitions shall apply to these arboricultural regulations:
MAINTENANCE: Those practices and procedures for the normal care of trees and shrubs as set forth in the arboricultural regulations of the city.
OGDEN URBAN FORESTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Ogden urban forestry advisory committee as established in title 3, chapter 23 of the Ogden municipal code.
PARK TREES: Trees, shrubs, bushes and any other woody vegetation located on city parks or other property belonging to the city, other than streets.
PARKING OR PARKING STRIP: That part of the public street right of way set aside as a planting strip or open space and located between the sidewalk and curb or edge of the roadway, or where no sidewalk exists, located within the ten feet (10') adjacent to the edge of the roadway.
PARKS DIVISION: The division responsible for city parks, which is currently the parks and cemetery division of the public services department.
PERSON: Individuals, firms, corporations, partnerships and every type of association.
STREET: Includes any street, avenue, highway, alley or other public thoroughfare, including the entire width from property line to property line.
STREET TREES: Trees, shrubs, bushes and any other woody vegetation located in any parking or parking strip.
URBAN FORESTER: The official designated by the community services director to enforce the provisions of title 6, chapter 2 of the Ogden municipal code and these arboricultural regulations. (Eff. 3-14-2007)