The City Council shall consist of the Mayor and 14 Aldermen and their terms of office shall be for four years and until their successors are elected and have qualified.
(1999 Code, § 30.01) (Ord. 3784, passed 12-3-2012)
Statutory reference:
Mayor and aldermen, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 3.1-35-5 et seq. and 3.1-40-5
Each Alderman shall receive the sum of $200 per meeting for any and all City Council meetings actually attended by him or her. All members shall be allowed two absences each year for which compensation shall be paid. Each Alderman shall receive the sum of $125 for any and all special City Council meetings actually attended by him or her. This compensation shall take effect prior to the general election in which the Alderman is elected.
(1999 Code, § 30.02) (Ord. 604, passed 4-21-1969; Ord. 1340, passed 11-7-1988; Ord. 1487, passed 5-20-1991; Ord. 1587, passed 1-9-1993; Ord. 3022, passed 10-16-2000; Ord. 3023, passed 10-16-2000; Ord. 3784, passed 12-3-2012)
A vacancy in the office of an Alderman shall be filled for the remainder of the term at the next election of Aldermen. During the period from the time that the vacancy occurs until the next election of Aldermen, the vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, appointing a person to fill the vacancy.
(1999 Code, § 30.03) (Ord. 3784, passed 12-3-2012)
(A) Regular meetings; adjourned meetings. The regular stated meetings of the City Council shall be held in the City Hall building on the first and third Monday in each month, at 7:00 p.m. When the meeting date falls upon a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the Tuesday following at the same hour and place, unless otherwise designated. Adjourned meetings may be held at such times as may be determined by the Aldermen.
(B) Special meetings. Special meetings of the City Council may be called by the Mayor or any three Aldermen by giving at least 48-hours’ actual notice to the Mayor and each Alderman.
(C) Committee meetings shall be scheduled on days and times as determined by the City Council. In all respects, committee meetings shall comply with the Open Meetings Act ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, §§ 1 et seq.
(1999 Code, § 30.05) (Ord. 821, passed 7-18-1977; Ord. 857, passed 3-6-1978; Ord. 1063, passed 7-18-1983; Ord. 3180, passed 6-16-2003; Ord. 3784, passed 12-3-2012; Ord. 3939, passed 6-20-2016)
Statutory reference:
Meetings, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-40-25