1173.03 STANDARDS.
   (a)   General Standards for All Zoning Districts.
      (1)   No barbed wire fence or similar sharp point fence shall be constructed, erected or maintained in any district except for agricultural uses.
      (2)   Electrically charged fences shall be forbidden in all districts except on sites of more than ten (10) acres used to confined livestock.
      (3)   All fences shall be maintained in good condition, be structurally sound and attractively finished at all times. Any ground between the fence and property line shall be well maintained.
      (4)   Board on board or stockade fences are prohibited on parcels that abut on an improved right-of-way.
      (5)   All fences and walls must present the finished non-structural face outward.
      (6)   No fence or wall may be placed within the sight visibility triangle defined in Section 1165.03(g). No fence or wall shall be permitted to encroach upon public rights-of-way or easements.
      (7)   No mesh wire fence shall be construed in any district.
      (8)   No fence shall be construed on any property line; nor shall any fence be constructed on or within any easement.
      (9)   No fence shall be constructed beyond the front building line unless said fence is a decorative fence as defined in 1173.02. Refer to 1173.03(b) for decorative fence standards for residential districts. Refer to 1173.03(c) for decorative fence standards for commercial, office, and industrial districts.
      (10)   All fences on a parcel shall have a unified style.
      (11)   Guardrails shall not be used as fencing.
   (b)    Standards for Residential Districts.
      (1)    Front yards. All front yard fences will require a Conditional Use permit according to the requirements of Chapter 1181. In front yards only the following fences shall be permitted unless otherwise prohibited by deed restrictions:
         A.    Decorative fences to a maximum height of three (3) feet provided that said fence complies with Section 1173.03(a).
         B.    Open fences designed to only partially enclose an area. An example of this would be a short length of white picket fencing incorporated into a landscape treatment along a walkway to a porch.
      (2)    Side and rear yards. The following shall be permitted unless prohibited by deed restrictions:
         A.    Chain link fences to a maximum height of four (4) feet.
         B.    Fences to a maximum height of six (6) feet, including privacy fences unless the property line abuts property in a commercial or industrial district. When the property line abuts property in a commercial or industrial district, a fence with a maximum height of eight (8) feet may be constructed.
      (3)    Other. The following shall be permitted:
         A.    Chain link fences shall be permitted in residential districts for sport applications. Chain link fences for full size tennis courts, basketball courts, baseball diamonds, softball diamonds and other similar applications are limited to ten feet in height.
   (c)    Standards for Commercial, Office, and Industrial Districts.
      (1)    All fences erected in a commercial, office, or industrial district require a Conditional Use Permit consistent with the requirements of Chapter 1181.
      (2)    Chain link fences shall be permitted in order to secure the premises and for sport applications.
      (3)    Chain link fences are limited to the buildable area of the lot.
      (4)    Chain link fences are limited to a maximum height of five feet above grade except as specifically stated otherwise. Chain link fences for full size tennis courts, basketball courts, baseball diamonds, softball diamonds and other similar applications are limited to ten feet in height.
      (5)    In industrial districts only, chain link fences are permitted forward of the principal structure but shall not encroach into the minimum required front building setback.
      (6)    The use of wood, metal, plastic or fiberglass strips woven into chain link fence is prohibited.
      (7)    Chain link fences viewable from public rights-of-way shall be screened with evergreen trees and shrubs. (Ord. 33-03. Passed 5-5-03.)