Minimum street pavement widths shall conform to the standards given in Section 1113.05. Where pavement widths greater than those specified in Section 1113.05 are deemed necessary by the Municipal Engineer because potential growth would cause extension and greater use of the street, then the developer shall provide a greater than minimum pavement width. The reimbursement to the developer for the extra width of the street shall be made in accordance to procedure established by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the approval of Council. It is the intent of these Subdivision Regulations that future benefitting developers shall reimburse the original developer, or the Municipality if the Municipality participated in the financing of the original over sizing of the street.
   In cases where pavement widths greater than the minimum set forth in Section 1113.05 are deemed necessary by the Municipal Engineer to serve existing development or traffic flows, the Municipality shall bear the extra cost of providing the greater width required.