(a) For the purposes of this section, "hunting", "trapping", "wild birds", and "wild quadrupeds" shall be defined as follows:
(1) "Hunting" means the pursuing, shooting, killing, following after or on the trail of, lying in wait for, shooting at or wounding wild birds or wild quadrupeds while employing any device commonly used to kill or wound wild birds or wild quadrupeds whether such acts result in such killing or wounding or not. "Hunting" also includes every attempt to kill or wound and every act of assistance to any person in killing or wounding or attempting to kill or wound wild birds or wild quadrupeds.
(2) “Trapping" means the securing or attempting to secure possession of a wild bird or wild quadruped by means of setting, placing, drawing or using any device, excluding boxtraps, that is designed to close upon, hold fast, confine or otherwise capture a wild bird or wild quadruped, whether such means result in such capturing or not. "Trapping" also includes every act of assistance to any other person in capturing wild birds or wild quadrupeds by means of such device whether such means result in such capturing or not.
(3) "Wild birds" means game birds, including pheasants, quail, grouse, wild turkey, partridge, woodcocks, plover, snipe or jacksnipe, yellowlegs, rail, coots, gallinules, duck, geese and brant and nongame birds.
(4) "Wild quadrupeds" means game quadrupeds including hares or rabbits, gray squirrels, black squirrels, fox squirrels, red squirrels, ground hogs or wood chucks, deer and bears and fur-bearing animals including minks, weasels, raccoons, skunks, opossums, muskrats and beavers.
(b) No person shall either hunt or trap wild birds or wild quadrupeds within the City limits.
(c) The hunting of animals, livestock or poultry within the Municipality is prohibited.
(d) This section shall not apply to the control and extermination of insects and household pests such as rats and mice, nor shall it apply to matters of public health and safety as may be determined by the City Manager and/or Council; nor shall it apply where it is determined by the City Manager, Council or the State of Ohio, Division of Wildlife, that there is an overabundance of a species of wild birds or wild quadrupeds in a specific geographical area within the City.
(e) Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. 86-65AC. Passed 11-3-86.)