(a)    Applicability.
      (1)    A Commercial PV/Solar Farm conforming to the standards of this Chapter may be permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit in the M-1 District.
      (2)    A Commercial PV/Solar Farm shall only be constructed, erected, maintained, extended, or removed in conformance with the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)    Locations.
      (1)    Building-mounted systems may be mounted on a principal building or accessory building in locations complying with the height and setback regulations for principal buildings in the M-1 District.
      (2)    Ground-mounted systems may be installed:
         A.    In any location, dimension, and height conforming with the provisions applicable to principal buildings in the M-1 District but not closer than fifty (50) feet to a district in which dwellings are a permitted main use.
         B.    The height and area of a moving solar panel shall be interpreted as the maximum height and maximum horizontal area of the panel.
   (c)    No signage or graphic content may be displayed on the system except the manufacturer’s badge, safety information and equipment specification information. The total area of display shall not exceed the size and information required by the National Electrical Code.
   (d)    Installation shall conform to applicable building and safety codes and manufacturer’s instructions.
(Ord. 21-70AC CMS. Passed 11-15-21.)