(a)   The Office of the City Engineer shall inspect all properties subject to Stormwater Management and/or Storm Water Pollution Prevention plans during construction to determine compliance with the approved plan(s).
   (b)   The Office of the City Engineer shall inspect all properties subject to post-construction Inspection and Maintenance Agreements to determine compliance with said Agreement(s).
   (c)   If it is determined that the responsible party is in noncompliance with the approved plan(s) or agreement(s), the responsible party shall be:
      (1)   Given a verbal or written notice and a schedule for compliance to complete required remedial actions.
      (2)   On or after the date by which the remedial action described in subsection (c)(1), is to be completed, the premises shall be re-inspected. If the required remedial action is not complete, a written notice shall be served on the permit holder stating the cause of the violation, the remedial steps to be taken, the schedule for compliance and the subsequent consequences of continued non-compliance.
      (3)   On or after the date by which the remedial action described in subsection (c)(2), is to be completed, the premises shall be re-inspected. If the required remedial action is not complete, a second written notice shall be served on the permit holder stating the cause of the violation, the remedial steps to be taken, the schedule for compliance and the subsequent consequences of continued non-compliance.
      (4)   On or after the date by which the remedial action described in the second written notice of violation is to be completed, the premises shall be re-inspected. If the required remedial action is not complete, the City Engineer is authorized to issue a Stop Work Order. The Stop Work Order shall be issued in writing with the reason for the order clearly stated and the condition(s) under which the cited work may resume. The Stop Work Order shall be given to the permit holder or its agent and to the person(s) doing the work. Upon issuance of the Stop Work Order, all work shall immediately cease, except such work as the permit holder is directed to perform to correct said violation or to remove an unsafe condition. Failure to cease work after receipt of a Stop Work Order is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
      (5)   If, after fourteen (14) days following receipt of the Stop Work Order, the remedial action has not been completed, the matter of such noncompliance shall be reported to the City Law Director for legal action in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
      (6)   If, after fourteen (14) days following receipt of the Stop Work Order, the remedial action has not been completed, the City may elect to complete the necessary remedial action with its own forces or by contract. The costs, thereof, shall be paid by the permit holder.
         (Ord. 19-62 AC CMS. Passed 11-18-19.)