(a) Any person performing any earth-disturbing activity that disturbs an area equal to or greater than one (1) acre shall be required to file a Stormwater Management Plan with and to obtain a Stormwater Management Permit from the City of Oberlin Public Works Department.
(b) Permit application forms shall be made available from the Public Works Department. Information required shall be sufficient for the Department to determine that the Stormwater Management Plan is in compliance with the OEPA Construction General permit and the City of Oberlin Stormwater Management Runoff Standards. At a minimum, the Stormwater Management Plan shall include the following:
(1) Name, address and phone number of property owner, the Stormwater Management Plan designer and the person responsible for the activity.
(2) Location of the activity.
(3) Description of the activity.
A. Type of activity
B. Location, permanent parcel number(s)
C. The size of the parcel(s) on which the activity will occur
D. The size of the area to be disturbed
E. Current impervious area
F. Area to be rendered permanently impervious
G. Project duration including anticipated start and completion dates
H. Stormwater Management Run-off Calculations
I. Structural Best Management Practices to be implemented
J. Non-Structural Best Management Practices to be implemented
(4) The Public Works Department reserves the right to request such additional information as may be necessary to ensure the Stormwater Management Plan meets the requirements of the City's Stormwater Runoff Management Standards.
(5) No permit shall be required for earth-disturbing activities which have been provided for in a Stormwater Management Plan approved before the effective date of this Ordinance.
(6) No permit shall be required for farming activities regulated by, and in compliance with, the Ohio Agricultural Sediment Pollution Abatement Rules. (Ord. 19-62 AC CMS. Passed 11-18-19.)