Open burning shall be allowed for the following purposes upon receipt of permission from the Oberlin Fire Department and the Ohio EPA, provided that any conditions specified in the permit are followed:
   (a)    Disposal of hazardous or toxic materials where the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency determines that there is no practical alternate method of disposal.
   (b)    Instruction in methods of fire fighting or for research in the control of fire.
   (c)    In emergency or other extraordinary circumstances for any purpose determined to be necessary by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
   (d)    Recognized horticultural, silvicultural, range, or wildlife management practices.
   (e)    Fire and/or pyrotechnic effects, for purposes other than waste disposal, set as part of commercial film-making or video production activities for motion picture and television.
   Receipt of permission shall be obtained from the Ohio EPA in accordance with Chapter 3745-19-05 (A) of the Ohio Administrative Code.
(Ord. 12-15 AC CMS. Passed 3-5-12.)