The following provisions shall apply to signs in all districts:
   (a)    Measurement of Surface Area of Sign and Sign Height.
      (1)    The area within one (1) rectangle enclosing the limits of lettering, emblems, and other figures or elements of a sign, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the background against which it is placed shall be included in the calculation of sign surface area.
      (2)    The sum of the area of two (2) rectangles enclosing all individual letters, emblems, and other figures or elements of a sign mounted on a wall and having no background features distinguished from the normal wall surface shall be included in the calculation of sign surface area.
      (3)    Structural members bearing no sign copy shall not be included in the calculation of sign surface area.
      (4)    Sign height shall be measured as the vertical distance measured from the average of the original or natural ground elevation to the highest point of the sign.
   (b)    Wiring Underground. Electrical wiring serving any sign shall be installed underground, on, or within the structure to which the sign is attached.
   (c)    Maintenance and Repair Required. All signs and their component parts shall be kept in good repair.
No sign shall be permitted to become deteriorated, dilapidated, abandoned, or constitute a hazard to the public safety. Such signs shall be promptly removed as ordered by the Zoning Official.
Changes to the panels, height, size, shape, or location of a nonconforming sign are not permitted unless the sign is brought into compliance with this chapter. Normal maintenance (i.e. painting, cleaning or minor repair) to ensure the continued safe display of the sign shall be permitted. One (1) banner sign may be installed in place of a permanent sign complying with the location and dimension requirements for such permanent sign until the approved permanent sign is installed, but for a period of time not longer than sixty (60) consecutive days.
   (d)    Prohibited Signs. The following signs are prohibited, except as otherwise specifically permitted by other provisions of this Chapter:
      (1)    A pennant, flag, streamer, balloon, inflatable device or similar types devices made of flexible cloth, paper, plastic or other flexible fabric;
      (2)    A sign which employs any part or element which revolves, rotates, whirls, spins or otherwise makes use of motion to attract attention;
      (3)    A sign illuminated by or having flashing or moving lights or other intermittent illumination, but not including electronic message signs complying with this chapter;
      (4)    A beacon or searchlight;
      (5)    A sign on a motor vehicle, trailer, or other vehicle or conveyance which is visible from a public right-of-way, except an identification sign affixed to a vehicle regularly operated in the pursuance of day-to-day business or activity of an enterprise;
      (6)    A sign which projects from a building more than twelve (12) inches, except a marquee sign or an awning sign;
      (7)    A sign placed, inscribed or supported upon a roof or upon any structure which extends above the roof of any building;
      (8)    A sign which creates a traffic or pedestrian hazard by obstructing the view at any intersection or that has a design that resembles common traffic control devices by reason of color, shape or other characteristics, or that creates a public safety hazard by any other means;
      (9)    A sign having illumination which causes annoying reflection or glare to a person possessing reasonable sensibilities;
      (10)    A sign constructed of any material insufficiently durable for the proposed location, use, or life expectancy of the sign;
   (e)    Non-conforming Signs. A sign that legally existed before the effective date of this Chapter may be continued even though the sign does not conform to the provisions of this Chapter provided that the sign complies with the requirements of the public health, safety or general welfare. Changes to the panels, height, size, shape, or location of a nonconforming sign are not permitted unless the sign is brought into compliance with this Chapter. Normal maintenance (i.e. painting, cleaning or minor repair) to ensure the continued safe display of the sign shall be permitted. (Ord. 21-72 AC CMS. Passed 11-15-21.)