The Oberlin Historic Preservation Commission shall have the following responsibilities:
      (a)   It will promote interest in historic preservation and educate Oberlin citizens about historic preservation by holding workshops and preparing informational material, as appropriate.
   (b)   The Commission shall recommend to City Council the designation of landmarks and historic districts according to the procedures set forth for such matters in Sections 1187.07 and 1187.08. It shall keep a list of designated landmarks and historic districts; furnish the list to the Oberlin City Manager, the Clerk of Council, and pertinent City Commissions; and make it available to the public.
     (c)    It shall issue Certificates of Appropriateness in response to applications for construction, preservation, restoration, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and/or demolition of any building, object or feature within any historic district, or of any designated landmark, according to the procedures set forth for such matters in Section 1187.09.
   (d)    It shall use the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (See Appendix A) and apply them within the City of Oberlin as deemed appropriate by the Commission.
   (e)    It shall work with property owners to designate eligible Oberlin landmarks, buildings or structures on the National Register and to participate in the Ohio Historic Inventory (See Appendix B).
   (f)    It shall review all proposed National Register nominations for properties within its jurisdiction and act as a liaison to the Ohio State Historic Preservation Office.
   (g)    It shall advise other officials and departments in Oberlin's city government regarding the protection of local cultural resources.
   (h)    It shall act as a liaison on behalf of the local government to individuals and organizations concerned with historic preservation.
   (i)    When the Commission considers a National Register nomination, or other action, which is normally evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline, and that discipline is not represented on the Commission, the Commission may, upon authorization of City Council, seek expertise in this area before rendering its decision. It may be advised by technical consultants, under contract executed by the City Manager, as City finances permit, to assist it in performing its functions.
   (j)    It shall encourage its members to attend workshops, seminars, and other educational programs on historic preservation.
   (k)    It shall be responsible for maintaining a system for the survey and inventory of historic properties and cultural resources. All inventory material shall be recorded according to Ohio Historic Preservation Office guidelines, maintained securely and made accessible to the public. The inventory shall be updated periodically to reflect alterations and demolitions.
      (Ord. 19-39 AC CMS. Passed 7-1-19.)