All on-site and off-site improvements indicated on the site plan application or required by the Planning Commission or required by other local ordinance shall be installed at the expense of the owner of the property which is the subject of the site development application consistent with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance.
   The need for alteration of existing public improvements, the potential for repair of damage resulting from the site development, or costs resulting from temporary or permanent disruption of existing improvements shall be determined in the process of site plan review. Conditions addressing the foregoing shall be established in approval of the site plan.
   All required improvements shall be installed in accordance with construction standards adopted by the City including the Subdivision Ordinance and the Public Works Standards.
   (a)   Development Agreement and Construction Bond. Prior to approval of any final site plan, there shall be executed by the owner or developer an agreement, in form and substance as approved by the Law Director , to construct such required physical improvements as are located within public rights-of-way or easements or as are connected to any public facility. Such agreement shall be submitted with a bond with surety, cashiers check or escrow account in the amount of the estimated cost of the required improvements as determined by the Public Works Director. The aforesaid agreement and bond or condition shall be provided for completion of all work covered thereby within the time to be determined by the Director of Public Works, which time may be extended upon written application by the owner or developer, signed by all parties (including sureties) to the original agreement.
   (b)   Restoration Bond. The Director of Public Works may require a restoration bond. Said bond shall be to insure repair of any damage done to existing curb, gutter, sidewalk, street pavement, landscaping, or other items within the right- of-way adjacent to a project. The amount of said bond shall be as determined by the Public Works Director based on his/her estimate of potential damage.
      (Ord. 96-82 AC CMS. Passed 9-16-96.)