The Planning Commission may request additional information it deems necessary to review the application for conformance with the standards and requirements applicable to the proposed conditional use.
   The Planning Commission shall act as soon as is practicable upon the application for conditional use permit, but shall act no later than 90 days after the date of the public hearing, unless the review period is extended by agreement with the owner of the subject property.
   The Planning Commission shall, after review of the application and any additional information presented, take action to either:
   (a)   approve a conditional use permit, based upon findings of compliance with all of the standards and requirements of this ordinance and subject to conditions required by the Commission; or
   (b)   deny a conditional use permit, stating the reasons for denial, which may include a statement that the application is deficient in information or in need of modification or that the application or proposed use are otherwise not in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. If, after review of the application, the Commission finds that the application does not meet the standards and requirements of this ordinance, the Commission shall deny the conditional use permit.
   In approving a conditional use permit, the Planning Commission shall have the authority to impose such conditions as it deems necessary to protect the public welfare, preserve the purpose and intent of this ordinance, to protect the character of the surrounding properties and neighborhood affected by the proposed conditional use, and to mitigate the special characteristics of the use. Such conditions may include, but shall not be limited to:
   (a)   Location and setbacks.
   (b)   Screening and buffers.
   (c)   Access and traffic, including pedestrian accessibility.
   (d)   Noise control measures.
   (e)   Other features of construction, including but not limited to paving and parking, signs, and landscaping.
   (e)   Hours and method of operation.
   (f)   Maintenance of the site, structures, and landscaping.
   (g)   Means of controlling glare, vibration, odors, dust, smoke, hazardous materials, refuse matter, water-carried waste, and storm water.
   (h)   Time limit for operation of the conditional use, if temporary operation is determined to be a typical characteristic of the proposed use or otherwise appropriate given unique circumstances of the proposed use.
      (Ord. 96-82 AC. Passed 9-16-96.)