The following uses may be established in the C-2 District if approved by the Planning Commission according to the procedures and standards for a Conditional Use Permit:
   (a)   Other uses determined by City Council to be similar uses.
   (b)   Filling Station, automobile gas station, or repair garage.
   (c)   Drive-through or drive-up facility as an accessory use to a permitted or conditionally permitted use.
   (d)   Church or temple.
   (e)   School.
   (f)   Nursing home.
   (g)   Outdoor sales, storage, display as an accessory use to a permitted or conditionally permitted use.
   (h)   Self-service storage facilities.
   (i)   Car wash.
   (j)   Establishment engaged in the sales, servicing, leasing, or repair of automobiles, trucks, trailers, agricultural equipment, or other vehicles or equipment.
   (k)   Animal hospital, veterinary clinic, kennel.
      (Ord. 96-82 AC. Passed 9-16-96.)