The following uses may be established in the R-1 District if approved by the Planning Commission according to the procedures and standards for a Conditional Use Permit:
(Ord. 96-82AC. Passed 9-16-96.)
(a) Limited conversion of a single-family dwelling district existent at the time of passage of this Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 430 AC, passed November 29, 1965.)
(Ord. 00-30AC. Passed 4-17-00.)
(b) Place of Worship, Church, School
(c) Bed and Breakfast Inn.
(Ord. 96-82 AC. Passed 9-16-96.)
(d) Two-Family Dwelling. (Ord. 00-30AC. Passed 4-17-00.)
(e) Type A Child Day Care Home.
(f) Child Day Care Center.
(Ord. 21-76AC CMS. Passed 12-20-21.)