Minor Subdivision plats shall include, as applicable and as determined by the Planning Commission to be necessary and appropriate, the following:
   (a)   Location of the proposed subdivision by city, county, original lot, or by other legal description.
   (b)   Name and address of the subdivider. If the subdivider is not the owner of the property, the subdivider shall submit evidence of authority to act in behalf of the owner in form satisfactory to the Law Director .
   (c)   Name and seal of the professional engineer or professional surveyor who prepared the plat.
   (d)   Plat shall be drawn at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet.(1"=50')
   (e)   North point.
   (f)   Date of preparation.
   (g)   Total acreage within the proposed subdivision.
   (h)   Boundary line of the proposed subdivision.
   (i)   The current use and zoning district of the property to be subdivided.
   (j)   Locations of or reference to locations of existing monuments or survey markers used in preparation of the survey and the grade elevation of each monument and marker.
   (k)   Topographic data including existing and proposed contours, at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet (topographic data shall refer to City of Oberlin datum), watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, and other significant features including wetlands as defined by standards of the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
   (l)   Layout, numbers and typical dimensions of lots to the nearest foot for each existing and proposed lot.
   (m)   Minimum front and side street building setback lines, indicating dimensions.
   (n)   Sites of proposed open space, parks or other community facilities. Indication of the proposed use of any lot not subdivided for building purposes and the proposed use of any lot not intended exclusively for single family dwellings.
   (o)   Locations, widths and names of all existing or previously platted streets or other rights-of-way and easements, showing types of improvement, if any, railroad and utility rights of way, parks and other public open spaces, existing permanent buildings and structures, easements and section and corporate lines within the subdivision and to a distance of 200 feet beyond the property proposed to be subdivided.
   (p)   Locations of proposed streets showing right-of-way widths and proposed street names, locations and widths of proposed alleys, pedestrian ways and utility easements.
   (q)   Locations and sizes of existing sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, gas lines, electric lines or other underground facilities, and all open or aboveground utilities and drainage features, within the subdivision and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the subdivision, also indicating such data as grades, invert elevations and locations of catch basins, manholes and hydrants.
   (r)   Proposed layout for connection to existing water and sanitary sewer systems and for the collection and discharge of storm water drainage, including the locations and sizes of existing and proposed water mains, sanitary sewers, and drainage facilities.
   (s)   Bonds or other guarantees as may be required.
      (Ord. 96-82 AC. Passed 9-16-96.)