(a)   In the event the City installs water, sewer and/or sanitary sewer lines in areas not heretofore served with such facilities, or has installed such lines in areas previously, or caused the same to the installed by another agency in any area of the City or within three miles thereof, excluding subdivisions wherein the procedure for installing such utility lines is established by Chapters 1307 to 1319 of the Planning and Zoning Code, the following procedure will govern:
      (1)   All such installations shall have the plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer.
      (2)   The abutting property owners and other users abutting the property will not be required to pay for a sanitary sewer larger than eight inches in diameter, a storm sewer larger than twelve inches in diameter, or a water line more than six inches in diameter.
      (3)   The City will pay for any capacity above the diameters set forth in subparagraph (a)(2) hereof, which are considered normal capacities.
         (Ord. 846AC CMS. Passed 4-3-72.)
      (4)   All property owners within the City or hereinafter annexed to the City where these facilities have been installed, shall within twelve months of the installation or within twelve months of annexation, connect to the sanitary sewer, water line and/or storm sewer. In the case at sanitary sewer lines, Council may extend the twelve month tap-in deadline if a newly annexed property has a County Health Department approved septic tank. However, when the septic tank ceases to function adequately, a tap-in to the City sanitary sewer line must be made.
         (Ord. 1306 AC CMS. Passed 9-6-77.)
      (5)   The charge for connecting shall be in such amount as provided by ordinance.
      (6)   From the collection charges so collected by the City, the City shall first recover its cost of any oversize capacity and lift stations and then shall, upon demand, pay moneys collected from connection fees up to an amount equal to the original investment in the improvement to the original installer of the line or his/her assignees. If no demand is made on the City for the money within a period of twenty years from the date of acceptance of such sewer by the City, the money becomes the property of the City and shall be deposited in the appropriate fund.
   (b)   The Finance Director shall establish a record of the original cost of the oversize capacity paid by the City, the cost for the regular size line, the related sewer or water capacity as determined by the Engineer, and the dates and amounts of the connection fees collected and disbursals to the original installer or his/her assignees.
   (c)   If any person who has made a connection to a sanitary sewer or a storm sewer under this section, exceeds the capacity allotted to him/her, he/she shall pay another connection fee based upon usage as determined after he/she has exceeded the original capacity allotted to him/her.
   (d)   All installations and extensions to the City utilities, such as storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and/or water line immediately become the property of the City upon completion subject to the repayment provisions under this section.
   (e)   This section hereby excludes subdivisions which are covered by Chapters 1307 to 1319 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 846AC CMS. Passed 4-3-72.)