No person shall plant, spray, fertilize, preserve, prune, remove, cut above ground or otherwise disturb any flora within the curblawn or Municipal property without first filing an application and finally procuring a permit from the Director of the Grounds Department. Application for permits shall be made at the office of the Grounds Department not less than sixteen work hours before the task is scheduled to commence.
The Director shall issue a permit provided herein if, in the Director's judgment, the proposed work is desirable and the proposed method, manner and workmanship are of an acceptable nature. The person receiving the permit shall abide by the National Arborist Association Standards as adopted by the City.
Any permit shall be void if its terms are violated. Further, whenever any flora is planted or set out in conflict with the provisions of this section, the Director shall remove or cause the removal of the same and the exact cost thereof shall be assessed to the owner as provided by law.
Notice of completion of work under the terms of the permit shall be given within five working days to the Director for his/her inspection.
(Ord. 87-1AC CMS. Passed 2-2-87.)