Newsracks shall not be placed in the residential use districts of the City and shall otherwise be placed adjacent and parallel to building walls not more than six inches distant therefrom or near and parallel to the curb not less than eighteen inches and not more than twenty-four inches distant from the curb at such locations applied for and determined by the City Manager not to cause an undue health or safety hazard, interfere with the right of the public to the proper use of the streets and thoroughfares, or cause a nuisance as proscribed by Ohio R.C. 723.01. Provided further, however, that no newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or maintained:
(a) So as to reduce the clear, continuous sidewalk width to less than six feet;
(b) Within five feet of any fire hydrant or other emergency facility;
(c) Within five feet of any intersecting driveway, alley or street;
(d) Within three feet of any marked crosswalk;
(e) At any location where the clear space for the passageway of pedestrians is reduced to less than six feet;
(f) Within 250 feet of another newsrack containing the same newspaper or news periodical;
(g) At any location where three newsracks are already located;
(h) So as to be chained, bolted or otherwise attached to any fixtures located in the public right of way except to other newsracks.
(Ord. 1830AC. Passed 1-7-85.)